i'm back || katakura kojūrō

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*flexes arm, showing off a (temporary) tattoo of the words 'katakura kojūrō'* did anyone ask for more kojūrō?


When was the last time you saw him?

You frowned as you wiped off the sweat on your forehead.

"Now isn't the time to think about that, (F/N)." You whispered to yourself, continuing your work in the fields.

When the word that your husband was taken by the Toyotomi reached your ears, you were devastated. You locked yourself up in the house you both owned, not even bothering to eat until one of his worried subordinates brought you a meal 2 days later. After that, you began working in the fields again and trying to make up for the lost time.

"Lady (F/N)," A voice interrupted your thoughts, making you look at the source: one of the villagers you were helping out. "are you sure you're alright? We've all been worried about you." The middle aged woman continued.

You gave her a reassuring smile and waved your hand. "It's fine. I can manage." You replied, pulling out a weed you missed.

She hesitantly nodded. "Thank you once again for helping out, milady, but please don't overexert yourself." The woman said, before getting back to work.

"Don't overexert yourself, (F/N)." The tall brunet man tousled your hair with his hand.

You pouted at the man, earning a small smile from him, "Don't underestimate me! I can manage!"

"The fact that your movements are becoming sluggish say otherwise, though."


You balled your hands into fists, your nails digging into the palms of your hands. You tried your best to brush it off, but you couldn't deny your feelings.

Your heart ached. You longed to see him again.


"Kojūrō?" You called out, rubbing your eyes as you sat up in your futon. "Where are you going?" You asked.

"I'm just going to check on it." He smiled at you. You know that he's talking about his garden, and you could have smiled back but...

"In those clothes?" You frowned and pointed at what he was wearing: his usual battle attire.

"You never know what might happen, (F/N)." He sighed, kneeling beside you. "Don't worry; I'll be back quickly."

"You better be." You mumbled before giving him a short kiss. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Kojūrō replied before leaving you alone in the room.

You lay back down and closed your eyes, comfortable in your position.

You shot up from your futon, panting heavily. You put a hand on your chest, trying to calm yourself down.

It might have been such a sweet dream to others, however, that event happened the night you lost him. You have been dreaming of that night ever since, and yet you still weren't used to it.

"Easy, (F/N)... Take it easy..." You breathed out, rubbing your arms, "He'll come back. Don't worry." You closed your eyes and ran your fingers through your hair; something Kojūrō would do to comfort you.

It wasn't long before you calmed down and lay back down. "He'll come back... He'll come back..." You repeated, over and over until you fell asleep.


You were drinking tea when you heard it: a knock on your door.

"Coming!" You yelled out, placing your cup down before rushing over to open the door.

You opened the door and opened your mouth to speak, but you had no words to say as you stared at the tall man in front of you.

He gave you a sad smile and you shook uncontrollably, sobbing as you instinctively covered your mouth with your hand. The man with the scar on his face opened his arms for you, uttering out the words:

"I'm back, (F/N)."

You latched yourself onto him, sobbing into his chest. He ran his fingers through your hair, trying to comfort you.

"Please don't ever leave me again." You whispered, hugging him tighter.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He replied, also tightening his hug around you.

Nothing else mattered to you right now as you shared your warmth with each other. Your husband was back.

Your Kojūrō.


hmmm should i keep on writing in 2nd person or should i do 3rd person more often? 3rd person is much harder to do for me, though

*cries while writing this bc im a dweeb*

oh and i also wrote this to make up for that crappy first love high chapter so yeah

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