Chapter Seventy-Three

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An Outsider's POV:

He had been on the other side of the door the entire time.

He had heard everything she said.

He heard her cries.

He regretted hitting her.

When he walked into his room, he stood next to the bed and softly trailed his fingers down her face. After placing a kiss on her temple, he carefully slid her over so he could hold her in his arms. As if by instinct, she clung to him and buried her face in his neck.

His fingers ran through her hair gently as he held her closer.

"I love you so much," he whispered.

He knew he wasn't going to recieve an answer.

When she moved in his arms, he carefully looked at her face. He turned on a bedside lamp to see if there was a mark on her face and there was.

"I'm so sorry for breaking my promise," he murmured as he turned the bedside lamp off.

Again, knowing he wasn't going to recieve an answer, he sighed. Placing a soft kiss on her cheek, a tear fell from his eyes.

"Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly, completely fallen and somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby say you'll always keep me truly, madly, crazy deeply in love, with you," he softly sang by her ear.

His singing calmed her; even when she was sleeping. But when he heard her cry, "Where are you, Liam?" his heart sank.

"I'm right here, baby," he whispered to her.

Then her entire body shivered and she clung tighter to him.

"It's okay. I'm here and I'm never leaving."

She buried her face in his neck again and she mumbled, "Please don't leave me alone. I can't do this on my own. I need you, Liam..."

He ran his fingers through her hair again then said, "I need you too."

His eyelids started to get heavy and his body was craving sleep, but he didn't want to give in.

"Please be here when I wake up..." he softly said, "Please don't disappear..."


Sorry this chapter was so short. It's kind of like a third person point of view. You know like someone outside looking in...hence why I have it An Outsider's POV.

So Liam never left.

He heard her say everything.

How do you think she'll react in the morning when she finds herself in his arms when she knows he wasn't there when she went to sleep?


-Ari Horan-

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