Chapter Twenty Three

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Jessica crawled across the bathroom floor to one of the last stalls and locked the door behind her. She pulled the toilet lid down then pulled herself up onto the toilet, placing her good leg on one side of the toilet seat to balance her body as she propped her hurt leg up on the toilet paper dispenser. Jessica winced in pain as she moved her swollen leg in place to keep it from falling off. She looked up to make sure Karis was completely hidden in the vent when she heard the door to the bathroom bust open, slamming into the wall loudly. The noise echoed through the restroom. Jessica used her sight power to look through the stall door and gasped when she saw the six foot Scraper coming through the restroom with a claw hooked dagger that had curved blades on both sides with a handle in the middle. The creature's black eyes scanned the room as it walked up to the first stall. Jessica put her hand over her mouth to try to keep herself from making any noise.
Karis laid flat in the vent using her sight power to watch the Scraper go to the first stall. She knew Jessica was in the second to the last stall but she also knew that this monster was going to open every door to every stall until it finds what it is looking for. If it found Jessica it would not hesitate to kill her. The Scraper kicked in the first stall door, rattling the walls of the restroom. Karis tensed up as the vent shook from the impact of the door below her. The Scraper then moved to the next stall and punched it with its fist, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the door as it fell off the hinges. Karis knew she had to do something as she watched the creature move closer and closer to Jessica's stall. She didn't have any ideas of what she could use with her maker skills, so she thought the best way to take this Scraper down is with her strength and force power. The Scraper kicked in the stall door right next to Jessica. The vibration of the door hitting the stall's wall almost made Jessica fall. Karis could see her wincing in pain as she tried to keep her broken leg balanced on the tissue dispenser.
The Scraper was now in front of Jessica's stall. Karis panicked and she hit the vent she was laying on with her elbow causing it to collapse with her on it. She landed on her hands and knees on the bathroom floor, pain shooting up her arms and legs, but she ignored it as much as possible when she rolled on her side pushing up with her hands onto her feet in front of the Scraper.
"Dang, I'm going to feel that in the morning." Karis said out loud.
The Scraper's face bent into a smile as he slowly walked towards Karis. "Ah... Just the person we came for. Do you want to come with us quietly or unconscious? It would be more fun to make you unconscious."
"For who? You or me?" Karis asked coldly.
"For me of course." The Scraper hissed.
"I believe you'll be the one unconscious." Karis snapped, narrowing her eyes at the creature. The pendent around Karis' neck instantly flashed a bright blue light, blinding the monster for a split second as Karis threw her arms up towards the beast sending it flailing backwards through the air. The scraper hit the back wall with a bone crushing impact. Karis then ran up to the Scraper and grabbed its arm, swinging it over her head to slam it onto the floor several times. She twisted its arm in an awkward position around its back and pushed its face to the floor. The creature screamed out in pain.
"Who sent you?" Karis shouted in the creature's ear.
"The devil himself." The Scraper laughed. "He made us and many more like us. This world has no hope, he will be the ruler. He has so much more stuff planned for this world. As soon as he gets what he needs, then even the powers won't save this world from him."
"Why does he want me?" Karis grunted through clenched teeth as she twisted its arm tighter.
The Scraper winced as he tried to get out of Karis's grip with no success. "You will soon find out. There is no way for you to escape him, he will catch you."
Karis reached down and pulled out her boot knife. "That's where you're wrong. You have not tangoed with a Texas lady before. We always win." Karis pictured Taren in her mind as she brought the knife's blade across the Scraper's throat. Its body jerked and chocked as black ooze spurted out of every pour in the creature's body, leaving a black tarry puddle on the bathroom floor.
"Hey, Jessica. Are you okay?"
Jessica winced as she brought her hurt leg down off the dispenser and leaned back on the stall's wall to relax for a minute. "Yeah, I think I'm just going to rest here for a moment."
"I'm going to go check on the others. You stay here while I go get you some help."
"No problem, I don't think I'm going to go anywhere. Hey, bring me back some pain medicine while you're at it. This hurts like a sum bitch." Jessica chuckled.
Karis placed the boot knife back in her ankle sheath and stood up. She walked out the bathroom door and creped down the hallway towards the main floor of the station where she heard the clanking of metal hitting metal and screams of pain. Karis could not distinguish who was screaming, the Scrapers or the Elite team. In pure panic, all Karis could picture was Kaleb or Titanium seriously injured by one of those monsters. Feeling guilty for running to hide, Karis hurried towards the sound. She bolted towards the door that opened to the main floor where the fight was taking place. As she reached for the door knob she suddenly felt a sharp pain to the back of her head and everything went dark.

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