chapter 5

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Don't hate me I know I haven't updated in like a month but I've been so busy. I'm actually liking this more than I thought I would. but I'm on my computer again cuz my mom keeps taking my phone away so there might be a few mistakes. Hope you like it.


Sammi's POV

Right now we are on our way home, we have about 2 hours left. Everyone was either asleep or had their headphones in, so I decided to turn on the radio and I started singing along. When my favorite song (Love Yourself) came on I was singing really loud but I didn't think any one could hear me.

And I didn't wanna write a song
'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't,
But you still hit my phone up
And, baby, I be movin' on
And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back,
Maybe you should know that

My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I've been so caught up in my job,
Didn't see what's going on
But now I know,
I'm better sleeping on my own

'Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself

When the song was over I looked at everyone still asleep, except Harmony. She was recording me singing.


"Because you're a really good singer" she told me

but I tried to disagree with her "No I'm not, I'm really bad."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

I just rolled my eyes and kept driving.

2 hours later

we finally made it home and the girls decided to sleep over tonight sense we don't have school tomorrow. 

"Hey lets watch a movie." Maria said

"What should we watch?" I asked

they all screamed "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!"

We all got on my bed and looked for High School Musical on Netflix

Marisa went down stars to gets some popcorn, she was gone for a while I wonder whats taking her so long?

Marisa's POV (Down stairs)
While I was down stair I felt something buzz in my pocket. Probably just a text. I pull out my phone and noticed that Riker texted me.
(M-Marisa R-Riker)
R-hey beautiful what are you up to?

M-not much just about to have a movie marathon with the other girls.

R-that sounds like fun. What movies?

M- every single High School Musical!!!

R- oh my gosh I remember having to watch those movies with Delly when we were younger.

M- how could you forget those movies they are a classic.

R-yeah that's true. So I was wondering what you were doing next weekend?

M-not much probably just gonna hang with the girls. Why?

R-we are coming to Wisconsin for our last show this next weekend and wanted to know if you and the others wanna hang at our hotel with the guys?

M- that sound like so much fun!! Let me ask the girls but I don't think it will be a problem. They will be so excited!!

R-ok cool can't wait to see you😜 good night

M-good night Riker
End of convo.
I grabbed the popcorn and ran upstairs to tell the girls the plans for next weekend.
Sammi's POV
"What is taking Marisa so long? She only had to make a couple bags of popcorn." I questioned.
"I don't know, maybe she's flirting with Riker again." Maria said which made us all laugh.
Next thing we know Marisa bursts through the door with the biggest smile on her face.
"What happened to you" we all say at the same time.
"Why not?" Maria said' "It's not everyday we get asked to hang out with celebrities."
"Good i'll tell Riker later"
Third person POV
Meanwhile harmony was posting the video of sammi singing on youtube. She's been wanting to do this ever since she heard sammi sing for the first time but sammi won't let her.
Sammi's POV
Every time I would look over at Harmony she'd be looking at her computer, which is really weird because HSM is like her favorite movie ever. After awhile i just forgot about Harmony and ended up falling asleep.
The next morning
When I woke up i was so tired. I probably got 2 hours of sleep and of course I'm the first person to wake up. This time i'll just let them sleep in and i'll go make breakfast for everyone.
Right as i was putting the food on the table every one came downstairs, and man we are pigs. After eating we all cleaned the kitchen, and of course it took us longer because we were listening to music. When we were all finished cleaning we were just sitting in the living room on our phones and watching TV. When i looked at my phone i had so many notifications, mainly from youtube. That's weird i never uploaded a video. I opened my phone and went on YouTube. Right away i knew what it was and my jaw just dropped. I was looking over at Harmony and when she noticed she looked very confused.
"What! Why are you starting at me like that?" Harmony asked still confused.
"Why is there a video of me on YouTube?" I asked
"Oh well you remember how I recorded you singing on the way home the other day?" She asked. "Well I uploaded it."
"Well i can see that! But why?"
"Because you're really good at singing, even if you don't think so." She stated "and hey look it got a million views over night."
"Wait what." I said shocked "but how?"
"BECAUSE. YOU. ARE. GOOD. AT. SINGING." They all said at the same time
I cant believe i got a million views in one night that's crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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