A New Legacy

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"Lo-...ei! Run! I'll hold them off, you need to survive!" A woman cries as screams pierce the air, as if the hundred voices were arrows striking through the once peaceful night. Flames and soldiers are all that fill my sight. This woman... I know her, and care for her, but why can't I remember who she is? Before I know it my perspective turns and I run into a dark forest. I don't know for how long I run. It's as if that was the only thing I was capable of doing. I'm powerless, simply powerless in this situation. My feet hurt. Where am I? Who am I? I am-
I sit up sharply as I feel something touch me, my head hits something hard and in the way as sunlight blinds me.
The rock I slammed into lets out a surprised, "ouch!"
I look up to see a man with purple hair holding his forehead while a man with white hair and freckles holds in a bountiful of laughs. Who are these people? The pain of the headbutt finally sets in, so I bring my dirty hands up to cradle my forehead. I wonder how they got so dirty? I can't remember a thing... Wait. I can't remember a thing. I feel my body lock up as my hands slowly fall to my lap. My eyes were glued to my hands. I felt their eyes on me, and after a moment I look up at them and ask quietly, "who am I?"
The two in unison stare at me with their expressions frozen in, what I could only think, shock.
The freckled one was the first to speak up. "You don't know who you are?" He asked softly as he approaches me. He didn't seem dangerous, so I let him help me up off the ground.
"No, but I don't know why," I spoke, my voice beginning to quiver. Why? Why, why, why? Why can't I remember? Something warm began to spill down my cheeks. I didn't even know what I look like.
Freckles lets out a sigh and he wipes my eyes with his sleeve. He stops for a moment. "You're giving us too many surprises in such a short time," he murmurs as his hand reaches out to grasp my necklace.
When did that get there? I sniffles a bit as Purple and Freckles stare at the little pendant hanging from my neck. It had a glowing circle with a design inside of it. Why did they find that strange?
"She has a djinn vessel... At such a young age- oh," Purple murmurs until recognition flashes in his eyes. "Ja'far, she's from that town."
"The one that was rumored to have the second first class singularity? Everyone in that town was, well, you know. It's very unlikely that it's her."
"I seem to have a lot if luck, maybe she was lucky enough to run away," Purple jokes light heartedly.
"You two are saying big words," I mumble, a bit upset about the fact that I had no clue to what they were talking about. I couldn't help but to puff out my cheeks in displeasure.
They looked back at me once more. These two people are strange, but they seem to care for me! Well, really only Freckles seems trustworthy right now. I couldn't help but clinge to his chest and stare at Purple nervously. Purple seems offended. I don't care, he seems weird. I stuck my tongue out at him and I could feel and hear Freckles laughing.
"Lets take her back to Sindria," Purple sighs as he stands up.
"What is Sindria?" I ask as Freckles stands up. I stuck by his side.
"It's our home."
I gave a small hum of understanding. After a few steps my legs give out, and I look back to see my feet bloody and cut up. When did they get so hurt? I couldn't feel the pain, or feel my toes for that matter. I then look up at the two with a seemingly blank and indifferent expression. I try to get up and walk again, and now I only take two steps and fall. Bulky arms catch me before my body was threatened with getting slammed into the ground, and I glance to see the arms belong to the strange purple haired man. Another sulky look made it's way onto my face. I don't like feeling helpless. I felt so tiny and weak, and it's annoying. Purple decided to carry me to my dismay. My eyes began to feel as heavy as rocks. Before I finally fall asleep I grasp my necklace tightly. I needed to protect this item. I don't know why, but it's important. I am too tired to dream, but I could hear the same harmonious woman's voice from before singing a wordless lullaby.

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