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I woke up in my last night's clothes. Walking towards the washroom I pick up my phone and check the number of texts and missed calls. I swipe through text and see only 5 texts from Jason. I sigh and enter the washroom to take a nice fresh shower. Thank god its weekend and I don't have to miss school again.

After I am neat and clean I enter the kitchen and see two notes on fridge door. I grab them and read mom's note first.

Carrie I am going for work. I'll be back till dinner .
There's pasta in fridge , eat that and don't go to Hollie's , we've to talk.
Love mom.

I read the other note from dad.

Carrie last night I stayed late , I thought you would come down but when it got really late I left , I have other family now and i would love it if you would meet them once . You have 1 more sister and I am arranging a dinner for tomorrow.

8:00 o'clock in Salt and Pepper Village.

Don't be late I'll be waiting. :)
Love Dad .

I crumpled the paper in my hand and threw it in the bin. What is wrong with dad?

I text Jason to meet me in nearest park and run upstairs to change my clothes. I wear the lowcut black skinny dress and pair my black high heels with them. I do a touch of makeup on my face and open my hair.

Locking the gate ,I walk towards the park getting a few stares by boys standing there. I look around and Jason isn't there. I call him but his phone is switched down. Dissapointed by this I turn around and my eyes widen with shock when I see Lexis making out with Hollie behind the tree. His hands inside her shirt and her hands wrapped around his neck.

Tears start pooling in my eyes and I walk out of the park and walk to the club I wanted to go with Jason.

My feet hurt by the time I reach the club and enter the club after paying extra money as I am underage. I walk staright to bar and order a beer. This day couldn't get any worse my dad invited me to dinner with his supposedly new family and Lexis making out with my bestfriend was just the cherry on top. I gulp the entire beer down and it burns in my throat.

I order another beer as I'm totally in a mood of getting drunk. After my second beer I stand up and walk to dance floor. Swaying my hips to the music beat. I make my way to the centre of dance floor. I love the song being played currently and it fits to my current mood. As the song by J . B 'whats right what's wrong' plays I search for someone to dance with.

My eyes search for a hot boy and suddenly they land on Jason fucking a hot bitch. I stomp towards him. He doesn't sees me approaching him as he is busy with that bitch. I turn him around breaking his moment. He takes a moment before he realizes and he leaves the bitch , opening his mouth to say sorry most probably but before he could do so I slap him and and start shouting cuss words at him.

I've never been so angry at anyone. And trust me I don't use cuss words often and if I am using them right now its definitely means I'm pissed.

He looks taken back from that slap and shakes his head before he stomps out of the club leaving me back shouting at him. The bitch flips her hair pointing her manicured finger at me showing me her french tip nails. And says something but someone pulls me away from her and towards the bar.

I look at the person who dragged me, he is quite tall and his hair are curly umm a lot curly. His skin is dark but he has muscles. A perfect guy for boxing with. I look at him and he smiles at me ordering shots for us. I smile as i realize I'll be having free drinks. He starts a convo with me and we talk and drink. He asks me my name by I stand up and loose my balance due to which I fall. He laughs and gives me a hand offering to help me. I refuse his hand and stand up on my own while doing so my heel breaks down and I groan. I sit down on floor and take off my heels. I stand up and see that "the guy" is still looking at me. I smile and walk out . He follows me outside.

"Look leave me alone I talked to u and thank you for helping me but now you can leave me. I want to stay alone I don't need you to follow me. You are a good guy and right now I am not in a mood of talking to anyone good . Oki. No one is this good .. .. ... . "

I start walking away from him and then run towards my home. Thank god its still evening. I wonder how long I was in that club . I open the door and rush upstairs to my room. I take water and aspirin out so that I could sober up before dinner with dad and his new family. I quickly take a bath and wear my new faded jeans and black V neck shirt. I open my phone and see texts from Hollie, Jason. I ignore the texts and open Tumblr. I scroll a bit and then close it.

I take out my novel from bag and start reading The Clockwork Princess. I just read 3 pages when my phone buzzes in my pocket. Its an unknown number.

I recieve the call and viola it's the ultimate bad boy himself.

"Jason we're so over. I don't want to talk to you ."

"No Jason i can't forgive you and start over u fucking cheated on me! You ASSHOLE! Jerk , poop faced dog! Retard, bleh bleh. "

With that I ended the call and threw my phone on the floor. My new iPhone 6 was fully cracked now . But I don't care I'll ask dad for a new one later . I thought about Jason's call and the way I broke up. Its not like I had developed feelings for him like in stories good girls fall for bad boys changing them. But as a matter of fact I wasn't a good girl but then it hardly matters because bad boys remain bad boys they don't change in reality and those cliché romantic novels are shit . Purely shit!

I walk to my fridge and take out my favourite icecream chocolate with caramel and dig into it. I don't want to go to dinner I will mourn over the fact that I just broke up whether I had feelings for him or not is something else entirely but to be honest I wanted this to last a bit more cause I loved the limelight.

In these few last weeks nothing was oki. My world has been crashing and slowly slowly everything was falling apart. My parents then Jason then Hollie! Even she did this 8 years of friendship down in a hole just for a boy and not some random jerk boy but my 'hot guy '. Still one thing happened which was great I was finally getting into populars. Friend request and following request were filling my notification bar. And that is one thing I thank Jason for.

Thinking about it all I forgot to eat my icecream and it was almost melted now so I put it back in freezer and open my closet to take out a pretty dress for dinner.

Finally after debating for half an hour with my ownself I settled for a peachy dress with full sleeves of net and my killer heels. I took a bath and walked out. My telephone was ringing and I quickly wrapped a towel around my body covering my privates.

I ran downstairs and picked up the phone.

"Hi mom!"

"Okay... yeah I'll be fine.... yeah bye!"

Looks like I'll be staying alone today also.

I see the time on grandfather clock near the dining table and run back to my room to get dressed . I just have 40 freaking minutes. Oh my gosh I quickly get dressed and apply a light coat of lip gloss. Next I work on my eyes applying a mascara and eye liner. I brush my hair into smooth waves and wear my heels. I check over myself in mirror and smile at my reflection.

Walking down the stairs I realize that so much has happened but I dont feel sad or I don't do all that drama. I mean my boyfriend cheated on me i should be pissed and crying but no its exactly opposite. I shake my head and walk out when I hear my dads car horn. My mouth is left open when I see not only my dad but his new family and jeez what shocks me most is my supposedly new step sister!!!


Hola! cómo estás?

Sorry I was busy with stuff so I wasn't able to update before. But this chapter is quite long and yeah ik ppl wanted Jason and Carrie together but they broke up and even Hollie was making out with Lexis. Ik this chap was quite depressing but yeah the next chap would be fun because I've planned something evil and sexy for next chap.

Q: Who is Carrie's new sister and why is Carrie so shocked?

Do vote comment and fan . I would love to know what you guys are thinking so make sure you guys comment .

And yeah a pic of Lexis after making out with Hollie is there so enjoy ;)

Have a nice day and love u all. ♡♡♡

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