Falling For You; Six

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Falling For You; Six


By the time I was shown to my room the sun was almost rising, my head was pounding and I felt like death, my feet throbbed from being trapped in heels all night long and my body ached all over from dancing; but that wasn’t the worst of it, the worst part was wanting to gouge my eyes out and vomit up all the alcohol I had consumed  when I walked in on Parker and some slut*y blonde- I was so desperate to find somewhere to crash that I just stumbled into the first room I came across and it was just my like to barge in on someone doing the nasty.

Before that life scaring incident, the party had actually been awesome and I swear these people party for a living because they were pretty hard core- and even though it was like 5am they were still going, but some had passed out on the floor, couch or a random table o just wherever they dropped, which seemed to be everywhere and having to wind around them on my way to my room was turning my stomach even more.

I was actually surprised myself that I was even still standing with how much I drank throughout the night, it was good to finally let go and forget everything for once but right now all I wished for was to pass out.

The only reason I hadn’t left for bed earlier was because of Mandy, every time I complained about needing and wanting sleep she begged for me to stay a little longer and I was beginning to regret giving into her every time and also because I needed her to show me to my room, which I had clearly needed- if I didn’t I wouldn’t want stab myself in the eye several times with a fork. 

I groaned loudly when Logan led me to another flight of stairs, I mean come on how massive was this house and why wasn’t there an elevator! We’ve already hiked up two flights already. It was getting ridiculous.

After another hallway we finally reached a painted red door with a gold door handle. “I thought you’d like the privacy” Logan explained as if reading my thoughts. “The elevator will the fixed by next week”

Oh thank god. There was no way I’d be going up and down those stairs the whole time I was here but then again, I’d get a great a*s out of it.

“Thanks” I said when he pushed open the door, and as it swung open I gasped

The room was massive and one side was completely glass, overlooking a garden I was surely going to explore after I got some rest. There was a California king bed in the middle of the room, covered in white silk sheets with a gold trimming. I had my own walk in closet and a massive mirror on the other side of the room. A chandelier hung from the centre of the room, lighting up the room with it glow.

A white piano sat in an empty corner, with red roses sitting on top of it- there was a dresser with matching bedside tables next to the bed, which were also white with gold trimming, everything in this room seemed to match and it all looked expensive and amazing.

In the top right hand comer of the room was the door to the bathroom and another which I was assuming was the closet. I couldn’t wait to get out of these clothes and shower. But that could wait. 

I turned around to thank Logan once again but he was gone, the door already shut. I’d thank him again later- after some much needed sleep, as soon as the thought crossed my mind I felt face down on to my new bed, and my god was it comfortable.

Using the last of my energy I pulled myself up to the pillows and attempted to pull the covers back while still lying on them, but quit a second later- not caring if I was cold because all I wanted was to close my eyes and let myself fall into the land of bliss sleep usually created.

Sighing loudly I snuggled deeper into the comfort of the bed, a smile creeping onto my face when I felt myself drifting away and falling into something wonderful but of course with my luck, I was jerked out of my near slumber by a knock at my door.

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