Falling For You; Five

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Falling For You; Five


It literally felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, all air left my lungs as I took in the boy, or should I say man that stood in front of me, he looked like he was some form of god- just his aura was alluring and I felt myself being pulled in, unable to stop myself from gawking at his appearance.

I’ve never been one to go for looks but this guy took the cake, he was literally the utter most sexiest guy I have ever laid eyes on and I was practically able to swim in the drool that had no doubt, flowed out of my mouth and created a puddle at my feet.

Subconsciously at the thought I somehow was able to gain enough sense to wipe my mouth, probably making a fool of myself at the same time, but right now; I had lost all my ability to care what my bodily actions were doing.

Man, he was hot- wait hot doesn’t even do him justice- I don’t think there was any word in the English language to describe just how downright sexy this guy is, and here I am; making an absolute idiot of myself in front of him.

After gaining some other senses back I was finally able to stop my gawking just enough to let my eyes roam his form, and I seriously had to catch the moan of pleasure that threatened to escape my mouth as I let my eyes wander.

His hair was almost black and was styled messily; like he had just rolled out of bed and left it a complete mess, but you could tell time and effort also went into it. It looked so soft and silky and all I wanted to do was run my hands through it, just to feel it under my fingertips.

The dark brown eyes that were slightly big and framed with long thick lashes, wandered over my face and body, clearly checking me out as well, I felt myself instantly blush- hoping that he was attracted to me; like I was to him.

His jaw line was strong and clenched; with slight stubble accentuating the lining of his perfect looking face, his cheek bones were high and a cute dimple showed while he smiled, or well more smirked was more like it, he knew he was hot and all I wanted to do was jump him.

He stood about 6’3, just an inch taller than Logan- I’m guessing- with a very toned tanned physique, his biceps and shoulder muscles clearly being shown off in the white singlet he was wearing, I could also tell that underneath was a seriously toned stomach, which no-doubt held a six pack.

“Parker” Logan began, clearing his throat to gain his attention and his eyes instantly snapped from me to him. “This my sister Camille” he added, placing a hand on my exposed shoulder; I also didn’t miss the extra emphasis on the word sister.

 Parker groaned “You’ve got to be kidding me”

“Off limits” Logan stated, forcefully- I might add.

My eyes left Parker’s and went to Logan’s,  it looked like they were having some sort of stare off but I didn’t get to think much of it because I was being dragged away, by Mandy- of course.

 “Come-on, Let’s dance!”

“Mandy, I’m buggered- I just want to be shown to my room so I can sleep!” I shouted back, over the loud music.

She looked at me like I was crazy. “You can sleep later, but right now- dance”

Mandy had me by the hips, her hands making me move the from side to side- she was acting like I didn’t know how to- of course I knew how to dance, so I pushed he hands away and moved them on my own, deciding to get this over with, the sooner I dance the night away the sooner I can crash and sleep my life away.

The song changed and I instantly recognised it as ‘Lay it on me’ By Kelly Rowland featuring Big Sean- I loved this song and my body began to move on its own accord to the beat of the music- I loved to dance, and this song just got you in the mood to dance.

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