Falling For You; Four

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Falling For You; Four


I stood here; in front a life sized mirror that was currently covered with an old bed sheet, from the moment Jay began my hair I wasn’t allowed to look at myself until they were finished.- they thought it would spoil the big revel, They said and I quote ‘You won’t recognise yourself’

So for the past two-three hours I had been waxed, plucked, spray tanned, had my hair and make-up done- you name it; I probably went through it.

I was never a girly girl and stuck to baggy shirts, baggy pants, hoodies; always trying to hide whatever figure I had knowing it wasn’t the most attractive- I was never into make-up or nail polish; up until it was forced upon me to learn how to be presentable towards men and make myself ‘less ugly’ as it had been put.

Mandy, Jay, some other chick whose name was Wendy or something like that and Jenny were standing in front of me with massive smiles on their faces; Mandy of course was also jumping up and down clapping, because she’s a hyper crack head but she was growing on me and I could see us one day eventually being friends.

“Cover your eyes!” All four of them demanded at the same time.

I did as I was told and turned away, I was slightly nervous and very scared on how much my appearance would have changed, I now knew how much pain people go through to make themselves somewhat beautiful.

“Okay, you can turn around now” Mandy said happily; very excited.

Hesitating I took another deep breath in trying to calm my nerves just a little bit and to prepare myself; I was worried I wouldn’t like it. How much wont I look like myself, but I also knew I needed to do this because it was time to get rid of the past and look forward to the future even if it meant living with someone- once again- I wanted nothing to do with.

Finally after having a mental augment with myself I forced my body to turn around, my eyes still closed and clenched together, ‘Okay, here goes’ I said to myself and opened my eyes; instantly gasping when I looked at myself for the first time since I wasn’t allowed to.

Moving closer to the mirror I poked and prodded my face, not believing the girl in the reflection looking back at me was really me. My make-up was done to perfection, the tan foundation matching perfectly to my already blemish free complexion with some light blush accentuating my high cheek bones, my lips were painted a matte red, making them actually look plump and kissable, It made me want to kiss myself- which is completely weird.

Glittering black eye shadow and gold shimmer was now covering my eyelid creating a smoky eye, the underside of my eye was rimmed with black eyeliner, thick enough to look heavy but not going overboard. My eyelashes were curled and looked longer than before; they were coated with black mascara which made them look thick as they framed my crystal blue eyes- making them actually‘pop’ for the first time.

My hair had been loosely curled and cut down to just under my breasts and was now shining a medium brown with a glistening red/ copper tint; Jay had cut me a set of bangs that swept over to the left side of my face; just covering my now perfectly arched eyebrows

Over all, they were right- even though I had wanted this, needed this- I looked nothing like myself and I did not recognise who was looking back at me- I didn’t even know who I was looking at; this girl was beautiful in comparison to the dull plain girl I used to look like, seriously it looked like I had undergone plastic surgery but the shape of my face was the same and when I looked closer I knew I was that girl in the reflection.

It truly was amazing what a little make-up could do, or the right shaped eye brows or the right dress.

They all looked at me anxiously when my eyes began to water; I blinked rapidly trying to stop them from over flowing. “Well?” Mandy asked. “What do you think?”

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