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She became fearful of lycans when she first became one.

The night had been quiet. Life in the valley-cradled village of Borrok had always been so. Each story had been one bound by rain. Each day the same; peaceful, yet dreary.

Until one child- just one- fell ill. Skin feverish. Sweat cold. Bones aching; itching; searing.


Terror thundered against grey skies. Fear crept through creaking wooden panels and rattling window panes. Within hours, the dying child of Morra and Laor Kai had mutated into the gruesome Beast; the killer; the blood-lusting creature from the depths of Cruciatus.

They had begged her, pleaded with her, but... the wolf. It took over. It controlled. It did not feel. It did. Not. Give. Mercy.

It left her only after the havoc and destruction was wreaked. After the pain and guilt shredded its other half to a wailing wreck of a broken soul. Body bare and eyes dead, human again, the girl wept. The beast was unforgiving. Fortem te praebe, it whispered.

For only from pain did the strongest of creatures rise.

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