19. (note plus writing)

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So lets start up with the writers note :

So I decided to change a feature in this book which is to make a part of the book consist  of quotes. Could be funny, maybe not. The main idea will still be Relatable Moments, but I decided to add up a little feature in here so when I feel like writing a quote or something I could do it here instead of making a whole another book called quotes becauseI know that I do not know that much quotes and the quotes part is gonna be small and rarely even there. Thanks.  By the way, all the quotes i am going to write is written by me, and if not, I am going to mention that with giving credits to the respected writer. So if you take any quote please look at the part called "NOTE' , its in this story.

Thanks again.
Moment :


That moment when you laugh SO hard that you can nor calm yourself down and your stomach hurts so much and only calm down for 3.5 seconds before you start bursting out of laughter again. 😂

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