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Finally updated! I never realised this chapter would be so long, gosh. 😷✋ Nonetheless, I still hope you enjoy. xx

"you're way ahead of your time."



Tentatively, I bit on the inside of my mouth, blinking repeatedly at my two parents who had now dropped their items of evidence and were impatiently waiting for an explanation-obviously from me, the cause of all this commotion, that I was soon beginning to believe was completely unnecessary. Apart from the direct granted permission of the interview, all I did was visit the Jacksons' home and hang around with members of the Jackson 5. What was wrong about that? Taking away the lying and coming home back late, my parents were slightly overreacting. Besides, I wanted to get out of this situation as soon as possible. But of course I knew what I did was morally wrong and I hated the consequences of it. Jim releasing the photos had made everything worse-all I wanted to be was a girl who succeeded in writing and possibly meet the Jackson 5, but I didn't expect for a chunk of their fame to accidently become a part of me and my status.

This wasn't good.

"I didn't do anything wrong at their house, all we did was play basketball," I mumbled, playing with the sleeves of my shirt. What was I going to possibly even more say? I had already fibbed about the Lydia situation and I was caught, so what good would it do if I lied again? But if it was the only way out, maybe I'd consider it.

"Lulu, that's not the point," My mother knowingly corrected me, inhaling sharply whilst looking at me with much disbelief which made me feel guilty of my actions.

"I still came home, and I didn't get into any danger," I stated in a defensive tone, gradually growing frustrated with the fact there was virtually no way to ease my parents out of their anger and disappointment.

"You came home at eight o'clock," Father stressed furiously, scoffing immensely. "Don't you see the point of this? It's practically pitch black outside, anything could have happened to you. And the fact that we didn't know where you were could have lead to something even worse. I mean, how did you get home?"

I certainly wasn't going to allow my own father be aware of Jackie driving me home, along with a hot escort, who went by the name of Jermaine, who was definitely being more than 'friendly' with me. Even if I did tell him it was a polite gesture, my father would endlessly question me, including why I was in a car late at night with two boys and instantly assume I'd been up to no good. He'd be paranoid for eternity. I wasn't going to risk that at all.

"I got a taxi," I muttered, knowing full well I didn't.

Mother sighed effortlessly, causing me to receive the feeling that although I did fabricate of my whereabouts, I still had the decency and logic to travel back home in a 'taxi' at this endangered season. Unfortunately, that was certainly not the case. She decided to speak, allowing her thoughts to be considered and definitely heard. "Now this goes back to my point of you feeling as if you're older than your truthful age and the fact you'll be fifteen soon to not inform us on where you are and where you're going to. Despite having unconditional respect for those boys, I still don't feel right about you going over to their home without you telling us. I mean, as long as we were aware of it, we would have given you permission. What was there to hide?"

The fact that my father acts as if he's a bodyguard and repels boys who come near me.

I secretly wished that I truthfully said my whereabouts due to my mother's admittal but my father back then intimidated me with his direct interrogation. Therefore I was left to quickly improvise.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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