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"you've changed."



I intently watched the assigned positions Jim gently instructed to each of the Jackson boys, noticing a slight irritation in their facial expressions as they shifted around the faintly emerald coloured appearing grass, attempting to please the photographer. Smiling, I rested a palm on Randy's shoulder, who bounced in complete boredom, in a world of empathy for him as I knew how badly he wanted to appear in every photo of his brothers. Although the 'Lookin' Through The Windows' album had already been released, they were being required to take more photos to present the era of it-I didn't really comprehend what that was all about but I knew it had to be for the satisfaction of their audience which were mainly girls-including me. I listened to the rapid clicking of his camera, giggling softly at how fatigued Marlon came across whilst he was laid on the grass. Tito looked very handsomely laid back whilst quietly strumming his jewelry embellished fingers on the strings of his guitar, perched on one knee; Michael was sat in front of him, one arm draped down on his leg and one holding himself up being placed on the ground-he looked quite monotone but sweet too; Jackie had a leg hugged towards his chest, his facial expression slightly mysterious and Jermaine next to him was a little more lively than the others, his arms secured around his crossed ankles, gently rocking backwards and forwards. Knowing that pictures similar to this were in magazines I regularly read, it was exciting to see the process of it 'behind the scenes', mostly because not everything was as easy as it seemed. They were all looking gorgeous anyway.

Seeing them in light conversation, tinted with laughter whilst shots were taken, made me realise how candid photos perfectly suited the Jackson 5. They were a more active, bubbly and hyper group who weren't always staring or trying to keep their posture as still as possible. They gave off so much magic, whether it was on stage or in something simple like an interview tape or record. It was too amazing to try and put into words.

"Lulu," Marlon called, bringing me immediately out of a chance to try and comfort Randy out of his isolation. "Your boyfriend wants you." He laughed after, nudging Jackie's knee and soon the whole of the brothers were in laughter too-except Jermaine. I felt my cheeks blushing, already knowing that this teasing was certainly becoming the death of me-I couldn't handle it at all and I could see that Jermaine wasn't dealing with it very well either.

Jemaine rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. Turning his gaze upwards at me, he flicked his eyebrows. "Why don't you come and take a photo with us? It'll be sweet." After a few moments, my heart began to thrash violently until I knew it was audible enough for anyone to hear. He was directly asking me to take a photo with my favourite band? A proper photo that I could possibly keep for myself, or probably just be able to see, one which would top having the photos taken by Clyde in the hotel room. I trembled, mixed emotions all rushing through me.

"Yeah, just a quick one. Then we'll be able to go inside, I'm sure," Michael urged, a friendly smile spread on his beautiful face. As each second past, I was feeling euphorious, over the moon! A picture with the Jackson boys would mean everything to me, a memory I would definitely be keeping. I nodded, happily pleased and impressed when Jim granted Randy permission to join the photo, beginning to take slow steps to where they were situated for the photoshoot.

I exhaled, knowing that in my mind I would excitedly take the pictures with the Jackson 5 but there was also something else which was bothering me. If I took a picture with them, what would happen subsequent when it would enter the magazines and newspapers? Because it seemed that nowadays whatever happened, involving a famous group like the Jackson 5, news spread rapidly before you even were aware of it. I didn't want to be the kind of girl who was labelled as something negative, just because I was luckily getting the chance to be around with them, having evidence to clearly show it. Judging by the frown on Jermaine's face, I slightly got the feeling he believed I was a little off about doing this.

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