Denial number four-Metaphorically I'm a whore

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"I'm afraid to tell you who I adore."

I give myself to a lot of things, and I fall in love very fast even tho I've always been saying that I never fell in love.

I fall in love sometimes with my freckles, or my lavender scented hair.

Next I see a band shirt and I instantly want to wear it for the rest of my life. Then my ripped jeans, I really do love my ripped jeans.

Converse are always there of course.

And then dressed in the things I love I walk to a library and fall in love again.

Every book has a story, a soul, a scent and even the dusted ones look like my lover.

I buy a few and head home when rain starts to pour.

Drop by drop again I fall in love, each drop landing on my face and hair. Now I'm wet, my favorite clothes, my washed hair, my face and books.

The things I love got ruined by another thing I loved because I simply forgot to bring an umbrella.

That tells you more about me than anything else.

I come home and dry, and when I finally sit down to drink my favorite coffee I realize.

I saw you in every thing I loved.

With my freckles, because you had them.

With my hair , because you like nice scented things.

With my clothes , because you love casual girls.

With my books, because you're a person that likes other souls too.

With the rain all of that washed away and yet I didn't move.

Because I thought you liked the rain.

That's the final denial.

Denial number four is that I'm not metaphorically a whore, since loving so many things opposed to one is apparently a no.

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