The Dark Syndicate

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I appeared with my first created Khaos characterisation, The lightning Syndicate.  My opponent stood with full pride, his Khaos name was Yoichi, and his khaos avatar was an intimidating figure.

He was equipped with a dense red samurai armour, with a long slim silver sword which was sheathed by his waist.His presence must have been demoralising to other Khaos fighters, but not to me.
He seemed like the defensive type of fighter, one that would wear out his opponent and end the battle with a few heavy blows.

His sheathed sword does look like it does a great deal of damage.There was a buzz sound and the Khaos Konstructor announced the beginning of the battle.

There was a sudden silence when the battle begun, I looked at my 100 meter health gauge and starred sharply at Yoichi.We both stood, anticipating each others movements but chose to take no action.
Suddenly, I was shocked by his first action, he began running towards me with a tremendous amount of speed.

His hands went to his sheathed sword as he sped towards my direction.At first I wondered how he was able to move at such speed in his heavy armour.Then I noticed he had a feather weight attribute added to the Khaos characterisation he had chosen.

He came a close distance to me and finally unsheathed his sword, he swung vigorously at me but i took a huge leap in the air.The sword just slightly skipped under my feet as I landed back on the ground.

He didn't give me anytime to regain my balance as he pushed his right fist towards my face.I lifted my left hand up and gripped his fist from connecting with my face.There was a loud roar from the audience as our hands stayed connected.

This had clearly been the most trouble any opponent had given me in my other Khaos battles.
As Yoichi stood distracted as to how I blocked his punch, I held his right hand firmly and threw my legs around his neck.

He attempted to struggle but I quickly spun in a clockwise direction and threw him towards the walls of the arena.This reduced his health by a great 37 percent, and I noticed I had only three minutes before I hit my time limit.

I clapped my hands together and shouted "Elliptical Blades".

I threw at least thirty blades towards Yoichi's direction, but I couldn't see the results of the damages dealt because of the smoke cloud that was created when he collided with the wall.
The smoke cloud began to clear, but when I looked closely I saw no sign of Yoichi and all my blades had stuck to the arena wall.

I began looking around the arena, angry that my blades had dealt no damage at all.I suddenly noticed a dark shade around me on the ground and when I looked up.

I saw Yoichi descending with great speed towards me, holding his sword above his head.
I was left no choice but to evade away and dive to my left.I landed on my knee and when Yoichi landed the ground below him shattered and a puff of smoke around him rose.

I saw this as a chance so I ran towards his direction, I launched my fist but he was able to block it with his.I brought up and Elliptical blade and stabbed his right lap.

He went down to his knees in pain, and I leaped to the air, hitting his face with my right foot throwing him in the air.As he descended, I shouted "Electric Spiral", the floor below him turned blue and a bolt of lightning shot at him tossing him hard on the ground.

Yoichi had about 29 percent of health left.I needed about three more hits to finish him off, but before I knew it he leaped up and flung his sword at me.It stabbed my right shoulder and caused me to land on the ground in pain.

I attempted to grab the sword on my shoulder, but there was a string attached to the end of the sword.Yoichi dragged the string and I was rushed towards Yoichi who was suspended in the air.
He grabbed my head and flipped my body downwards and held me while descending.
I tried to struggle but his grip was to strong, I landed head first to the ground of the arena and I lost a huge 47 percent health.

I grabbed the blade and screamed "Static Streaming" and a large amount of current was passed through the string that Yoichi held.His hand was electrocuted of the string and I yanked the blade off my shoulder.

I had one minute left before my deadline and I knew I had to finish this battle quickly.I clapped my hand and put my two palms on the ground.

I looked up at Yoichi as I chanted "Ugh Matir Lá Keriotraë".

A blue sphere appeared below Yoichi and he became paralysed.Sounds of thunder began to ring through the arena my eyes turned blue.

I rose and raised my left hand in the air, a lightning spear descended from the skies and I gripped it firmly with my left hand.I was confident that this was going to end the battle, and the crowd began to roar.

They began to chant the name of this technique because they had seen it countless times before and it had become a real favourite.

I dashed forward with the spear and screamed "Dark Bolt of The Lightning Syndicate".

I held the spear with my two hands and slashed it through Yoichi's red armour which now shattered into pieces.His health had dropped to zero and his body which was now electrocuted dropped to the ground.

His Khaos avatar disappeared from the arena and I was left standing alone in the middle.The heavy breeze began to blow violently against my dark coat as I looked up at the arena screen.

The Khaos Konstructor's voice now echoed through the arena as he said "The Dark Syndicate Wins".

The audience let out another huge roar as my Khaos avatar began to slowly disappear from the arena.
When I appeared back in the real world, I removed the Khaos Kontrol helmet from my head and opened my eyes, finally feeling the relief of qualification.

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