"Here we go" she mumbled.

Suddenly I heard Seline's voice but she wasn't speaking then images came to my mind as if I was dreaming. The things she was saying and the images together made sense and I started to understand.

She told me about the three brothers and the king they had selected, how Sir Castor was the king's brother and that after that the rule was set to not change a human anymore. She went on to how Officer Gabe had been captured and why and what she told me next surprised me so much I gasped and tore her hands of me.

"You?", I half screamed "you're mated to him?" my mouth hung open.

She shrugged and nodded with a mischievous smile.

"But how...how do you do it?"

"Well not until you came we hadn't seen each other in very long time, Gabe wanted to forget that vampires existed, but I think that didn't turn out so well, plus it hurts us both a great deal being apart."

"What are you going to do now?", I asked worrying over her more then myself.

"He says we can't be together, that if he's growing old and I'm not it wouldn't work", she sounded sad.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

"I don't care if he grows old and if he dies I'll die with him, most of us don't survive if our mate dies."

"Oh well that sounds twisted", I imagined how it would be to love someone and not being able to be with then because of their immortality, I felt sorry for officer Gabe.

"Well enough of this, I still want you to let me know everything you know", she somehow tried to make herself strong.

"Tell me what is your name?", her question was simple but as I opened my mouth to speak, the familiar burn rose in my throat and I coughed.

She asked again "What is your name."

I opened my mouth, but nothing more came out then a strangled cough.

Seline sighed and went to sit behind me on the now ragged blanket and put her hands on my head.

"Now start thinking of everything you know about when something went strange, from the beginning to the end.

Sir Castor POV

I watched as Avery choked on her own name, something was really wrong.

After Seline had gone to sit behind the girl, she closed her eyes and Avery gave her the knowledge she had.
At first she looked at ease but soon her featured changed, a look between confusion and anger.
Suddenly Avery gasped and clamped her teeth together, she was obviously in pain.

"Try harder Avery." Seline shouted.

For a moment it seemed as Avery got in control but soon she let out a screech and she yelled " It hurts."

Seline dropped her hands and clutched her neck. I knew what she must be feeling.
Seline had the ability to not only see what happen but also feel what happened.

"Eat up, I might come back later" she told the girl all the while glaring at me.

I locked the bars behind her and we went silently to my office.
As soon as we where in she collapsed on the sofa.
"What is that?" She asked confused.

"I'm assuming it's blood compulsion", I mumbled.

"And that is?"

I knew she would ask that but I didn't know if I should tell her.
I decided that she had a right to know since she was helping me protect my territory.

"Do you know how to change a human?".

" No I don't, no one does except for the king.", she mumbled.

"You know when your fangs protrude you get this bitter taste that makes you crave blood even more?" I asked her further.

"Well yes but what has that got to do with this?".

"Everything" I said, "you see it sounds kind of strange that none of the vampires know this but," I took a breath, I was bending rules here "the bitter taste you get is venom." I heard her gasp but I went on "It is venom that runs down our fangs as they come down, it's part of us. Now if the venom comes in contact with human blood our system produces in larger amount and as a vampire's venom fills or mingles with a human's blood they eventually die or wake up as a newborn vampire, then the sire has to feed the newborn his blood and it will complete the change."

"But how....."Seline seemed shocked.

"Like Avery, her attackers venom is in her blood, he can control her by telling her what to do. She can't tell us her name because he probably told her not to."

Seline stared at me, as if I had gone mad.
"Gabe" her voice was a whisper.

"Seline" I warned her "you know you can't break the rule." I knew she must be thinking about changing her mate.

"Now show me what she told you" I said snapping her out of it.

She came in front of me and laid her hands on my head.

Images of running feet in front of me started filling my head. It was as if I was in Avery's body. I felt what she had felt and what she had thought, the creepiness and the fear, I felt it all, I saw as the animals ran about scared and I knew it must have been the vampire lurking around that scared them of. Animals sensed vampires as danger.
I felt as the two hands grabbed her, the breath on her neck...and then I winced....the bite, it was nearly unbearable for a vampire how much more for a human . I groaned under the fierce burn and wondered how it was possible that she was alive.
The only answer was,
Her body had accepted the change,
She wasn't changing. Which meant she did not have vampire blood in her system.
I sat straighter when he spoke.....the same words I had told her.

'Welcome to your new world', but his voice was not recognizable.

That was much more than I had been able to discover by her blood.

Seline's hands left my head and she sat down on the sofa again, looking at me, searching for answers but I didn't have any.

"Who bit that girl?" She mumbled.

Suddenly a knock sounded on the door and it opened. I turned around to yell at whoever dared to barge into my privacy, but stopped short when I saw who it was.

"Ah Castor, good to see you, now tell me why the dull face?" It was my brother, King Lathan.


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