[REQ] laughter || shima sakon

Start from the beginning

"Sakon, please." You sighed, still trying to push him off you, "Too close."

He stopped leaning onto you and let out a 'hmph!' before licking his ice cream.

The rest of the walk home, he didn't talk to you, and you got scared. Did you make him mad at you? Will he ever talk to you again? You worried so much in your mind that you didn't even notice that you two already arrived at the front of your house, popsicle sticks long discarded.

"Hello~~~ Earth to (F/N)-chan!" Sakon called out, waving a hand in front of your face. You flinched at this, but quickly regained your composure. "This is your stop." He bowed and pointed his arms to your house like some kind of butler.

"Thanks." You nodded and walked to the front door. "Bye Sako-"

"OH! And before I forget!" He exclaimed, running up to you. Sakon grabbed both of your hands and pressed his forehead against yours, looking deeply into your eyes. "I, Shima Sakon, WILL make you smile or laugh! Just you wait!" He declared.

Your heart beat faster, but your expression deceived your feelings as you still appeared emotionless to him. You slowly nodded and he let go of your hands, smiling triumphantly. "Well, see ya, (F/N)-chan!" He waved at you and ran to the opposite street where his house was.

You closed the door and quietly went to your room, not even bothering to greet your parents. You locked your door, placed your bag somewhere and plopped on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

You let out a deep breath and looked at your hands, still feeling the warmth of Sakon's on them. Unable to control the feelings inside of you, you grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to your body.

"Is this what you call... a crush?" You breathed out, heat rising to your cheeks.


-15 years old ❤️-

A while after that incident, Sakon became gloomier and gloomier each time you saw him until he stopped attending school altogether. You didn't know why. He never told you.

You worried nonstop about him, but you can't visit him. You don't even know where his house is, since he was always the one to drop by your place.

You studied hard and passed elementary and middle school with flying colors. Your parents were still busy workers, going out of the country for work and all, but they actually tried to chat with you from time to time. Which is great.

You now lived alone in the house, with your parents sending you a monthly budget. You enrolled in a local school called BASARA Academy as a first year. You weren't really expecting for much, since socializing wasn't really your thing since you were a child, but you hoped for the best.

You adjusted the tie on your uniform and took a deep breath, looking at the school in all its glory. It was the first day, and you hope to make good first impressions. Every student gathered around for the entrance ceremony and your heart pounded at the number of students. You rubbed your arm as a nervous habit.

You didn't know where to go.

You frantically looked around for any signs on where to place yourself when you felt an arm wrapping around your shoulders.


You slowly turned your head to see a teen with half brown and half red hair, a double colored sweater vest, wearing a collar...

Oh my God, this guy was a fashion disaster.

You blinked in confusion as he grinned at you. Your heart beat faster and you shook a bit in your position. To add up to your confusion, the teen held out his open hand to you.

You remembered a certain brunet boy and out of habit, you slapped his palm with yours like a high-five. You grew horrified as you realized what you have done, remembering that you were supposed to shake it, not slap it. The slapping was only to be done with-

"You never did change, did you?" The teen laughed, patting your back.

Then it clicked.

You couldn't help yourself. You gripped on his clothes tightly, your bangs covering your expression, and tried to restrain yourself while trembling uncontrollably.

Sakon grew worried and held your shoulders, trying to look at your face, "Woah woah woah, (F/N)-chan, are you oka-"

He stopped when he heard restrained giggles coming from you. Pushing your hair away from your face, he looked at you in shock as you burst into laughter while some tears slid down your face.

Some students turned to look at you, but you didn't care: you were ecstatic. "I-I'm so~rry!" You said inbetween your laughs, "It's just!-- What happened to you?!" You asked, trying to calm yourself down.

"Ooh do you like it?" Sakon winked, running his hand through the red part of his hair, "I look better than before, right?" He said, putting a hand on his hip and made a model-like pose.

You kept on laughing at his antics before a white haired student came marching at Sakon and scolding him. Seeing that, you wanted to laugh some more, but this student was absolutely terrifying....

...His hair said otherwise, though.

Not minding where the hell you were supposed to be positioned, you just stood somewhere with the first years as the entrance ceremony started. However, this ceremony was different than all the other ceremonies that you've attended.

You were smiling the whole time.


You were walking to your respective classroom when you felt someone hug you from behind.

"See? I told you I'd make you smile or laugh." You felt his arms hugging you tighter, and you sighed. You cupped his cheek with one hand.

"Thank you, Sakon." You said, giving him a genuine smile.

"HEY! PDA IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT!" A member of the disciplinary committee suddenly appeared from across the hallway, startling you and Sakon.

Sakon pulled away from the hug and held your hand tightly, "C'mon!" He grinned, leading you to your classroom.

You nodded and smiled back.

This was going to be a great school year.


lmao is that what nagamasa says? i cant really look it up since my internet is very crappy 💔

i hope this was cute enough~ (and that i got sakon right tbh)

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