He kissed my finger and grabbed my hand in his. "Let's get going then," he said cheerfully and pulled me down the stairs, holding my bag in his other hand.

His family were waiting by the door. They all looked confused, worried and happy at the same time when Harry and I came down. "What's up?" Harry asked, still holding my hand.

Louis and Eleanor saw our hands and Eleanor smiled at us, while Louis just smirked at Harry. Harry ignored him and stepped closer to me.

"There's something outside waiting for you," Anne said, looking at me.

"Actually 2 somethings," Eleanor added.

"For who?" Harry asked, confused and pulling me closer to him.

"For Liam," Louis replied, looking at me.

"For me?" I asked, even more confused than Harry. Then Harry stopped and relaxed, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, Li. They're here for you," Harry said to me as the doorbell rang. He and his family laughed, and he pulled me to the door and opened it.

Two familiar balls of fur attacked me to the ground. They licked my face as I groaned in pain from landing on the ground so suddenly. I got up after gently pushing them off me.

I heard 2 happy barks as I wiped my face with my sleeve. I laughed and greeted my dogs. "Hey there boys! What are you doing here?" I petted them and they wagged their tails uncontrollably.

I heard laughter behind me and saw Harry laughing with his family. "I think they were looking for you, Li." Harry said as I petted Milo and Nyko.

They turned to Harry and went to sniff him. Harry stiffened a bit when they went to him. But Milo and Nyko just licked his hands and stood up, trying to lick his face. Harry smiled and petted them. 

"Milo! Nyko! Come here!" I scolded them and they obeyed immediately. They walked over to me and stood up , trying to lick my face again. "No! Stop with the licking," I said, trying to make them go down from me. "Sit!" They obeyed and licked my hands. I sighed in relief and heard Harry's family laughing with him.

"So these are the famous Milo and Nyko. Glad to finally meet them after 2 hours," Harry said, standing beside me. Milo and Nyko's tails were wagging even more and they got up off their hind legs to lick Harry's hands.

"And they like you," I said, smiling as Harry petted them some more. They happily barked at him and turned to me. "Clearly you 2 can ring a doorbell apparently," I stated to them.

They barked again and Louis said, "They rang it, all right. They kept ringing it until I finally answered the door. They just sat there, looking at me as if they didn't just do anything."

"We all just came to the door and saw them looking at us, tongues hanging out their mouths. It was pretty cute if you ask me," Eleanor said. Milo and Nyko looked at them, and decided to walk over to them. They sniffed Eleanor and Louis, then licked their hands. Eleanor and Louis laughed, petting them.

"I don't know how they figured out how to do that, but they did," I stated, Milo and Nyko walking back to me at the sound of my voice.

"Looks like they already know your voice," Harry said, smiling at me. I smiled back and my dogs barked happily.

"I should probably take them home now. And I have to call my parents to let them know they acually found me," I said and petted my dogs. "How did you find me, boys?"

They barked and licked me in response. "They probably followed your scent or something when you left. They have good noses," Harry said.

"Well, whether they just decided to track me down or not, they still shoudn't have ran away. Don't do that again, okay you 2?" I scolded Milo and Nyko, but they just looked at me and licked my hands. "Or you could just lick me and not listen at all." I sighed and gently pulled them to the door.

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