I looked between them both and quickly slipped one on.

Liane had to do the corset back for this dress.

I turned and looked in the mirror.

My hand flew up to my mouth in a surprised gasp.

"You look amazing." Liane said.

"Thank you"

I opened the door

Terrance was sitting in his usual spot and looked up as I exited the fitting room.

"You're getting that." He said.

I chuckled, "I was thinking the same thing."

He did a little motion for me to spin.

I spun around on my tippy toes because the dress was long.

"Perfect." He said. "Is that the one I picked out?"

I nodded.

"Liane I'll take this one too." I said.

"Okay I'll ring you up at the counter." She smiled.

I quickly changed into my clothes and out of that gorgeous dress is fallen in love with.

I walked out of the room to find Terrance at the cash register with liane.

"$947.72" Liane said.

Terrance gave her his credit card.

He gave her his freaking credit card.

"Terrance!" I exclaimed.

He looked startled.

"No, you cannot pay for this. I will not let you." I said

"Too bad."

"Let me at least pay for one" I begged.

"No. Thank you Liane. You were a lot of help." He thanked her and grabbed my hand along with the two dress bags.

We walked out of the boutique and continued our way walking down the mall. I shivered because of the cold air.

"Here" he said pulling his jacket over his head and handing it to me.

"Thanks, but Terrance, please. I don't want you to drop almost a grand on me." I said. "It is literally not worth it. For a fake date."

"Aryn. You don't know how much money I have." He said.

"That doesn't matter" I said.

"My father is an anesthesiologist, and my mother is a cardiothoracic surgeon."

"Wow. Um. Okay then." I said. I still don't like the fact that he paid that much for my dresses. But he's stubborn.

"What are your parent's names?" I asked.

"Lucas and Camilla" he said. "What about you?"

"Michael and Delilah" I smiled.

I looked at my watch and realized it was already 7:30pm.

"Oh! I got to go! It's already 7:30!" I said.

"Really? Well time flies when your having fun" he smiles.

He walks me to my car and hands me the two dresses. "Here, I think you'll need that more than I would." He said.

I laughed and placed them in my car.

"Thank you. For all if it. Fake or not, you're an amazing guy." I said smiling.

"Well, you're a phenomenal girl."

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