More Snowbaz fluff

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Every so often Simon has a little episode. I guess everyone gets them but his are bad. He locks himself in our bedroom, eats red jelly beans and reads crappy fan fiction. I've tried everything. I ignore him, he cries. I hug him, he shrugs me off. I lie with him, he can't sleep. And then one day a found out the remedy, his medicine.
"Simon, you have to come out," I'm so tired but Simon needs to eat and I need him. "Just say the word and I'll leave but I don't want to do that,"
"Violin," a weak sob creeps out from behind the locked door. Of course that's what he wants.
Five minutes later I knock again. "Violin?" His voice is stronger but still weak.
The door clicks and opens. The sight that greats me is not a pretty one.
Bloodshot eyes peer guiltily around the door and his messy blonde hair is hanging limply over his eyes.
Simon's mouth is quivering but it doesn't stop him from speaking. "I'm so sorry, I just , I don't know. Maybe my brain is messed up or maybe I'm just not good enough for you but I really want to be good enough for you but you're so amazing and beautiful and I'm some not chosen one and..." I decide that that is enough so I do what I do best. Well, one of the things I do best. I kiss Simon. He tries to push me away probably because he has more to say but I don't really care. I don't care that he thinks he's not good enough or that he thinks I'm too amazing because I know the truth. I know how amazing he really is and I know that he deserves what ever he truly wants.
"Violin?" My voice is as soothing as I can make it.
And so I play.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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