Snowbaz part 1

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This is just some random Snowbaz fluff but I'm pretty happy with it so, enjoy.

The moment I walk into my flat I know something is wrong. The air smells off, like a bush fire is on its way about to storm my flat. I go through the possibilities in my head: my boyfriend decided to become an American Indian and is doing some kind of foreign sacrificial ritual, my boyfriend thinks he needs some practice in  the art of being a fireman or my boyfriend decided to make cupcakes.
" Baz, is that you?"
" Yes, Snow"
Yep my boyfriend is the one and only, chosen one, Simon Snow. And I love him to bits. Apart from when he decides he wants to cook. He can't cook.
Simon POV
Yes, Baz is finally back. Although he doesn't know it, it is our 2 1/2 year anniversary. I thought we should celebrate. The cupcakes I put in the oven ten minutes ago are black and the chocolate icing is all inside my tummy. To distract him from this I smash my lips onto his the second I see.
Instead of explaining why our kitchen smells like a bush fire Simon kisses me. Trust me, I'm not complaining. Simon kisses like he means is, he pushes his chin against mine and I nudge back. I know that Simon doesn't think that he's good enough for me but what he doesn't know is that the feeling is mutual. Every time I feel his smooth hand fit into mine or hear his quiet snoring next to me I ask myself: how can the one and only Simon Snow love me? Why does he put up with me and my moody self? How can he withstand my sneering and glaring?
Simon POV
I remember the moment when I realised I was in love with Baz. He was cooking dinner and we had just bought our new flat. He was explaining every step as we went.
" Ok, Simon, I'm boiling the pasta and next we'll put the tomatoes into the sauce." I suddenly realised that this was the man I wanted to spend all my life with, I wanted to wake up to HIS morning breath everyone morning. I want his grumpy but adorable eyes to watch me when I try to make toast but epically fail. He is the one I need to spend the rest if my life with.
I can tell Simon is thinking about something important because he has stopped kissing me. He has slowly drifted into his own little world.
"Simon, are you ok?"
"I, I think...."
" What is it?"
"I love you, I think. Actually no, I know. I love you and I never want to leave you and I always want you to be there for me and I always want to be with you even when you hate me. I know that even a Baz who hates me would be better than a Baz who isn't next to me,"
I'm amazed. I'm speechless. I'm in love. But instead if replying I shut him up with my mouth, for a few seconds he's shocked. Finally he kisses me back.
Simon POV
Every time I kiss Baz I feel an electric bolt of joy pierce me. How could such an amazing person like him love a Normal like me. But as his tongue fights for dominance against mine I feel like I am the luckiest person alive. So who cares if my cupcakes are black or if it's our 50th year anniversary because if I have my beautiful Baz next to me then I can rule the world.

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