Chapter 10

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" I had the talk with her about puberty and about the " birds and bees" and where babies come from so that she wouldn't get the wrong information from those little kids at school and so if they tried to tell her something different then she would already knew what was up. But I was trying to figure out why she looked so shaken when I explained what sex was. I guess that is the normal response to learning about sex for the first time. I'll just leave her to her thoughts.

Kristen's POV
" My mom just told me what sex was and I just realized that my father has been having oral sex with ME! Why would a father in his right mind have sex with his daughter. I can't believe this I have been raped by my own father. This is terrible. I am so disgusted by all of this. I thought parents were supposed to love you, nurture you and teach you how to grow not RAPE YOU like your any average hoe on the street. You guys might wonder how I'm so educated and literate well I have my mother and friends to thank for that. I have NOTHING to thank father for but for raping me. I will never let him touch me again. I promise you that.

Curtis's POV
I plan on going in Kristen's room tonight and have some fun with her before I go to bed.
That Night:
Hey there Kristen you ready to have some fun sweetie?
" You'll never touch me again you are a rapist." said Kristen. I was shocked how did she know what I was doing. I tried my hardest to figure it kit but I can't think about that now I have to see if she told anybody. " Have you told anyone? "No but I will if you touch me again." stated Kristen clearly. I walked up to her and put her in a choke hole. " If you even think about telling anybody I will kill you and your mother or maybe I can get you pregnant and kill your mother and make you have all of my children. So which one is it either do what I like or be killed or have my children?" " I'd rather die!" " Not gonna happen I'm gonna get what I want one way or another."

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