Chapter 4 Johnnie & Kyle

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I woke up about the same time Kyle did, the time when the reddish orange sun peeked out from the curtains. Once I was awake Kyle got out of bed and when out of his room. I figured I should stay here so I did, and I dozed off into sleep again.

"Johnnie?" I heard my name being called.

"What," I grumbled as I opened my eyes.

"Somebody called you, and I have breakfast," Kyle said as I opened my eyes and chills ran down my spine as I read the name,
missed call- Hunter.
I can't miss any calls from Hunter, I learned that lesson early. So I quickly tapped the call button.

" Ignoring me?" He asked.

"No baby I wasn't, I-," I got cut off.

"I'll be coming over soon, just to teach you a lesson," He growled as he hung up. I wasn't hungry anymore, I couldn't go anywhere but home.

"Kyle, I have to go home," I said as I looked down nervously.

"Okay," he said "I'll see you tomorrow," Adding a smile making me even more afraid to leave. I got up and got my shoes on.

"Wait we never got a picture," I said trying to buy more time.

"Then get over here," He said as I nodded as he did a cute to pose, which was a smile and a peace sign, and I clicked the camera.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"No problem, but let me walk you home," he said.

"Oh no, no, no, Hunter gets jealous easily," I said so he nodded and hugged me before I left. The picture was still developing as I walked home, I knew I was already late. I let myself into the apartment not even half way through the door Hunter grabbed me threw me to a wall slamming the door shut. This is true love, he told me he loved me, and I love him. Before I could comprehend what was happening I felt a blow to my head knocking me out. I could still feel what was happening to my body. He was undressing me, and my mind was racing but my body was stopped. I couldn't fight him off. After he finished his business did I start to wake up fully again. He then kicked my stomach sure to leave a bruise. I think an hour as passed when Hunter left I began to get up in pain as I hobbled to the bathroom. I started a bath before peeling the clothes off me and getting in, the hot water burned my cuts but felt good on my black and blue stomach. I closed my eyes lying in the tub. After my bath I shakily got out of the tub wrapping myself in a towel as I popped a few painkillers and made my way to my room. I got the picture of Kyle and I out pinning it to my bulletin board. I got changed into an cream oversized sweater and black skinnies taking time getting my clothes on before I grabbed my keys slipped on some shoes and started to walk to Starbucks for work.

Kyle's POV

I decided to surprise Johnnie and show up to his work, but when I got there, he looked upset. All the color wash out of his eyes, not even smiling to answer questions.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks," Johnnie said before realizing it was me "Oh hey," He smiled slightly, and shortly that I almost missed it.

"I decided to visit you, and I'll have a passion tea with a sugar cookie," I said as he nodded.

"I'm on break soon so wait up," He said as I nodded and paid and sat down at a table. I was messing around on my phone before Johnnie sat down with my cookie and drink.

"Hello," I said with a smile as I grabbed the cookie and split it into half's handing one to him.

"Thank you, and how did you know I loved sugar cookies?" He asked taking a bite.

"Lucky guess, plus they are my favorite cookie too," I said.

"So how has been your lonesome days without me?" Johnnie asked as I giggled.

"Very lonely," I sighed.

"Well maybe you can stop by if Hunter doesn't show," He said as I nodded.

"Your parents still aren't home?" I asked.

"Nope," He said as I smiled. We talked for a bit and he then when back to work and I when home. This continued for weeks and the closer and closer Johnnie and I got.

Yo I'm not dead, yet, anyways I feel so sick, so maybe an update tomorrow, anyways much love ~Nicole

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