Chapter 1

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This is what I am wearing in the dream

*I am wildcats pov*

( In dreamland)

It was noon when I was with cherry pie. We were just walking down the street of Los Santos minding our own business. I looked at my friend to see that she had a galaxy tank top, long black pants, black converse, mint green headphones around her neck, and in her wavy mid-back brown hair was a headband with flowers facing the back of her head. She looked like she belonged somewhere better than in low class, whereas I, looked like I almost belonged in low class I mean all I had on was zebra print pants, a pig mask, a motorcycle helmet, a white t-shirt with a purple cat wearing a top hat with the word wildcat at the bottom of the cat, and white sneakers. 

I was about to say something when all of a sudden, these guys in all black cars drove past us slowly, the windows were being rolled down. I was confused at first, thinking 'what are they do-' my thoughts were interrupted when I saw gloved hands with guns come out of the windows and start shooting at us! My eyes widened with fear as I quickly took cover think-no hoping that my friend did the same. When the shooting stopped, the gloved hands pulled back into the cars and drove off fast as a trail of smoke was left behind. I was still on the ground when I turned my head to look behind me. No amount of mental training could prepare me for what I saw next, there lying on the ground in a pool of her blood, was the body of my best friend and only family, her eyes were wide with fear and were dull without the shimmer of life, her once neat clothes were stained with bullet holes and blood. I knew it was a dream, but it felt so real that I couldn't take it. Though right beside her dead body was a boy, now he would have nice wedding clothes if it weren't for my friends' blood all over him. I was just about to look at his face when icy cold water was splashed onto me. Waking me up from my nightmare. 

(End dreamland)

I was awakened with a jolt, I looked around my surroundings, and I noticed that I was in my room, but where did the water come from? I looked up and there it was in all its glory, a giant hole that let in some water that used to belong in the sink the people upstairs have. (oh, by the way, I and wildcat are living in a crappy apartment building in Los Santos, so yeah that's why. Also, it wasn't much of a sink just a bucket full of water on a tarp.) I got out of my now-soaking wet bed and went into my dresser. I picked out some new dry clothes and a towel, after I was done changing and drying myself off, I made sure everything was out of my room (extra clothes, wallet, phone, etc). 

When I was done getting the stuff I needed out, I walked out of my room with everything in my hands and closed the door with my foot. I set my stuff on the kitchen counter and locked the door with my free hand. I then remembered the nightmare that I had, I speed-walked into the living room where cherry was supposed to be 'please be there, please be there, ple-' I saw her asleep on the couch/bed, I sighed relieved that she wasn't dead but hesitated thinking there might be another way instead of the couch/bed, but as always there wasn't (there is only one bedroom, I'm sleeping on the couch/bed because the ceiling/tarp looked like it was about to fall in. I told wildcat but he didn't listen as always).

I climbed in right behind her and turned around so that my back was facing her back and I was facing the wall. "I told you the tarp was going to collapse," said cherry lazily "I know." Was my response. A few seconds went by before I heard "yeah, *yawn* I'll talk to the landlord in the morning" said cherry tiredly "Ok, good night." "Night," I said as I slowly fell back to a dreamless sleep. Still thinking about one thing. 

'Who was that boy.'

I hope you guys liked that sorry it took me so long to write this but I'm tired and I had writers block so yeah bye.

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