Day 2

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It was now Thursday and tomorrow is the day of the trip to the woods. To be honest I'm actually scared.
I did the same thing as yesterday; get up, get ready, go to school, hang with friends/do school work, come home and do homework until I get tired.

Day 3

I woke up late today because none of us had class today. I went to take a shower. I didn't know when they were coming because they didn't tell me.
When I got out of the shower I headed downstairs and started pouring some cereal into a bowel when there was a knock at the door. I jumped and swung my headed to the door.

"Hey open the door nerd!" Tom said

I giggled and walked over to the door and unlocked it, and opened it.

He walked in and I said

"Where's the- ah ah ah take of your shoes please. Where's the others?"

"I don't know they didn't message me or anything. " he said

I closed the door and continued pouring the cereal to as much as I wanted.

"Want something to eat?" I offered.

"Sure!" He said

"What would you lik-"

"Cereal please. If it's not a trouble." He interrupted.

I grabbed another bowl and poured the cereal to the top. I smiled and got the milk. I poured it enough for mine but I made it so the cereal was about to overflow. I got two spoons and took his and slowly brought it to him at the table, then grabbed mine and sat at the other seat at the table. He laughed when he saw his bowl.

"How did you know I liked my cereal like this?" He said

I shrugged and laughed too.

I finished my cereal and washed my bowel in the sink and let it dry in the draining board.

"I'm going to go get ready. I should be long but if you want anything you can have it and you can use the electronics." I said

He nodded with a face full of cereal.

I walked toward my room and took our a dark purple tang top and a see-through shirt that goes with it, and took out black skinny jeans. I put it on and brushed my hair while thinking of how to do it. I did a weird braid looking thing but it looked cool. I brushed my teeth and got on a random pair of socks. I put on deodorant and eyeliner. I walked into the main room and he was playing Uncharted 4. I washed his dish and let it dry too. I sat on the couch next to him and watched him play.

"When they get here we should share our feelings for one another because who knows what could happened at the haunted place." He suggested

"Okay" I said

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked

"I asked the school" we both laughed

I took out my phone and started typing to John but there was a knock at the door before I clicked the enter button. I looked through the peek whole to see it was Ashley. I opened the door and she walked in.
She took her shoes off while I closed the door. She saw Tom and said

"Oh Tom's here already. Hi Tom. "

"Good. You didn't chicken out." He teased

"Hey!" She yelled

I laughed.

"Where's John? He's always with you like he's a lost puppy or something?" I asked

"I don't know. He hasn't messaged me all morning." She said

I looked at my phone and clicked enter. It was already none. I sat next to Tom again while Ashley sat on the other side of Tom.

"How did you know where she lived" Ashley asked Tom

"The school." He said and she laughed.

"How did you know?" He added

"I followed you and got the address. But went back home so I could get ready." She said

"How did you know I was going to her place?" He asked

"I didn't know." She said

Ashley was wearing short shorts with a tang top. Her hair was wavy and up very fancy.
Tom was wearing skinny jeans and a skull shirt and his hair was spiked.

We both watched him play until my phone buzzed. I brought my attention to the phone and read John's message.

"Sorry I'm a little late. I've been trying to find where you live but nobody knows. "

I put

"I live on stravf street the apartment number is 5490. I'll buzz you in."

"Thanks I'll be there shortly" he typed

I brought my attention away from my phone and put it on the table next to me.

"He said he's going to be here soon." I said

"Alright. K." They both said

Five minutes later he texted me

"I'm here"

I got up and pressed the buzz button. I opened the door and waited outside. He opened the door snd saw me.

"Hey sorry I was late." He apologized

"It's alright." I said

We walked in the house and I close the door. He took off his shoes and walked towards the couches.

"Hey John!" Ashley said

Tom paused the game and greeted him.

I sat next in the rocking chair while the three sat on the couch.

"When's the trip?" Ashley asked

"At two pm" John said

"Where do we go?" She asked

"The edge of town. People are supposed to be there to pick the people up." Tom said.

"We should leave in a hour." I suggested

They agreed.

It was 12:12pm.

"Hey we don't know what's going to happen at the trip so we should share our feelings for one another. " Tom suggested.

"It would waste some time." I said

"Okay" Ashley and John said

"You go first then" Ashley said to Tom.

Tom looked at the ground and said.


"I don't like her but I love her." He said

He looked at me.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked

I wasn't sure what to do.

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