Chapter 6

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Hello again im excited that i got 30 people to reqd this story because thats the most reads any of my storys had x) yay <3 thank you guys but no ines giving me any feedback on this story so im hoping thats cause they like it? Maybe haha and have nothing bad to say or suggestions mabey? Lol well thanks and i hope you read all that i have wrote and dont quit on me come on guys!:D thanks also this isnt the full chapter i will write the rest a little later okay ? Okay


Chapter 6

I woke up in the middle of the forrest. I dont remember much of what happened yesterday other then i left the hospital, but how did i get here? Running away from the hospital was a blur after jumping out of that window on the second floor.

Well i do remember looking back at the hospital seeing all the lights turn on but after about 5 minutes of that after running as fast as i could i swear i blacked out at the side of a flooding street. I thought for sure i would drowned after the water level got so high because the streets were already flooded with 3 inches of water atleast.

I have no clue how i made my way to the forrest. Crunch went the leaves around me i heared somebody steps in the eaves grow closer and closer to where i layed on the ground.

I tryed to get up but i was so sore i couldnt bring myself to lift myself off the ground. My body ached i looked down and saw bruises all over my body. What had happened? I know it kinda hurt jumping out of that window but how did i get all these other bruises all up my body?

I felt my cheeks and still felt the stitches where they sewed me up on both sides of my mouth. The steps stoped right behind my curked up body on the ground.

I felt fingers running through my hair was to scared to roll over and face whatecer was behind me. The hands then pulled at my hair forcing my body to turn to face it. Ouch the pulling at my head stung.

I was now face to face looking into the eyes of him. My heart stoped as i looked into his huge crazy eyes the eyes that had the look only a mad man could have. His smile ran a chill down my spine even though i have seen it a couple times now.

It was jeff. He licked his lips and very fastly jumped on top of me the briusies all over my body ached at the pressure of his body weight on me i screamed out but i knew no one would hear me. But i couldnt stop the screams escaping my mouth.

He covered my mouth with his ice cold boney hand. "Shhhhh" he said quietly and leaned down to place his lips by my ear. "GO TO SLEEP". I shaked and kicked and squirmed trying to get him off but he would not budge but i couldnt die here not now. It hurt to move under the pressure on all my bruises.

He took his hand off my mouth and reached i to his pocket. "LEAVE ME ALONE"! I screamed he pulled out his knife from his pocket the same one he used to kill those 2 people and cut my face and probabaly cause so much pain with. There was fresh blood on his knife driping deep red from the sharp end.

He smiled and licked the blood from the knife cutting his own toung in the process and swallowing that blood also. "I killed her" he said happy with himself. "Who" i said to scared to hear his answer. He turned to his left and pointed his pale boney finger at soemthing i turned my head very slowly scared at what i might see.

"OH MY GOD" i gasped tears starting to flow out of my eyes blurring the scene that was in front of me. A little girl hanging upside down from the tree lifeless and dripping blood from the smile cut into her face. I turned away i couldnt look any longer. It was discusting but i knew this was my chance to escape while he admired the what he thought was a good job killing that little girl.

I built up all my strength and shoved him off me and started to run for it. I wasnt about to look back not to see the dead little girl or to see if jeff was chasing me. I didnt hear footsteps behind me which was a good sign.

I felt my knife in my pocket and another one of those needles full of propofil. I clutched the needle pushing off its cap ready for a fast attack and just as i thought jeff jumps from a tree in front of me.


He was ready to watch me run away trying to escape him. But instead i ran full force into him stabing the needle into his arm letting the chemical into his veins.

I let the needle stay in the place in his arm and truned to run for it, he took the needle out of him arm and grabed me by the arm before i could run and tackled me to the ground.

"What did you do"! he yelled completely suprised and shocked at what i had just done . I could see it in his eyes and by the way he talked that he only had seconds before he was passed out.

His body grew weak as he tried to reach for his knife to kill me but i shoved him off and whispered into his ear befor he was out "go to sleep" then his eyes closed and his body went limp.

I got up not onowing what to do or how much time i had until he woke up atleast a couoke hours i would think. Should i kill him? Leave this town? But he would find me i couldnt run forever. And jcouldnt kill him because i wasnt about to kill anymore people.

I decided to seachhim to see if he had anything worth taking on him. I didnt want his knife, it has taken the lives of more people then i have met in my whole lifetime.

I reached int his pocket of his black pants and felt a small piece of paper. I pulled it out and unfolded it. It was a picture of 2 boys smiling looking happier then ever in front of the park i always went to.

You could tell by the resemblance that they were brothers. On the back side it had scribbled in black letters "jeff and lou" mouth drop and i quickly turned the picture back over to look at the boy is was supposed to be jeff. There was no way... But then it hit me i saw his eyes they gave him away.

Even then, while he was smiling in this picture they looked dark and creepy. Almost like he was almost at the point of turning into what he has become now, a monster.

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