Chapter 5

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Hello :D <3 im going to try and update every couple of days so heres another chapter . Please comment and tell me how you think of this story so far and what you like/don't like. I wanna know how im doing with this story thanks :D again this isnt edited sorry i type really fast so there might be alot of errors forgive me :(?


Chapter 5

Beep beep beep beep beep.

Is all i hear. Its annoying actually i dont know what it is. Im surronded by complete darkness. Floating almost into complete unconciousness. I know im asleep, or im dead. One of those things. I wouldnt mind if this was death or the afterlife you could call it. Its peaceful other then the beeping noise.

The beeping noise sounds very familiar. I feel my chest, yes thats it. The beeping noise matches my heart beat. That must mean im not dead. I must just be asleep or maybe in a comma. I just let myself relax and get swallowed by the darkness. I dont need to wake up i dont need to fight the urges to stay here, because theres no one waiting for me out there, so i should stay here. I have no one who would even care if i woke up anyways.

But in the distance of the black nothingness i see something. Its an even darker black image then the blackness that surinded me. It git bigger and bigger which made me come to the conclusin that its coming towards me. What was it? The beeping noise got louder becausemy heart was beating fast. I was antious to see what this was.

The figure starts to clear uo and turn whitish and lit up the surronding darkness. It was her, yes the one person who ever truly loved me i know. My mother smiling with her arms wide open. The same smile was on her face from the ines in the photographs in the hospital when i was born but she died that night and that smile never was to be seen again.

I felt myself glide over to her and i fall int her arms. She wrapped her arms gentally around me. I was surronded by her warmth. Something i cannot remember feeling before. I felt her heart beat it was soothing. I cried into her arms "mommy i didnt mean to kill daddy but he tried to kill me". "Mommy please dont hate me i love ou i miss you take me away with you". I cried "baby i know its okay, you didnt mean to hurt daddy you love him i know".

She tried to soothe me. But shouldnt she be mad? Or hate me or something, i had a weired feeling about all of this. "Sweetie i"... My mothers voice was cut of. I felt the warmth leave her body very fast and her heart beat speeeded up. Her grip on me tightened and i tried to pull away but the hold she had on me now aas to strong. "Mommy let me go!" I yelled struggling to be let free. I looked up at her face to see a smile cut into her cheeks and her eyes like black holes. "Stay here with me forever sweetie". She said creepily.

I pushed her away finnally and started to run. I didnt know where i was going but i saw light out into the distance i ran for it i could hear my mother behind me running very fast catching uo to me. But then i made it to the light and was nearly blinded.

Beep beep beep beep beep.

My eyes slowly opened to the bright lighted room. It hurt my eyes but it was better then staying in that dream any longer. My eyes finnally ajusted after a few moments, the room was square shaped with white walls all lots of medical machines. Next to me was a heart meter tracking my heart beats. That must have been the beeping sound i heared. I also had a tube in my left arm with water being put into me through an i.v.

I saw a hand mirror next ti me in the table next toi my bed. I picked it up and looked at my face because my cheeks hurt. I looked into the morror and saw something that made My eyes widen. My cheeks were sewn up to my ears because of jeff cutting a smile that mimicked his on my face just lie all his victims. I knew i would now forever have a scar after this healed up. My mouth was sore to open sp i knew i would be taliking kind of quietly for awhile

The smile of a killer (jeff the killer romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora