Chapter 7

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Hello sorry i keep forgetting to update but im back :D i hope you all are doing good c: i know i am :) today i got to switch my next trimester classes around and i got creative writting !! Yay so hopefully that will he fun :3 and hopefully it will help me become a better writter and learn new stuff to make my storys as good as they can be ! Okay well hope you like this chapter :)!


Chapter 7

I didnt know what to do, what was there to do?

My mind raced with ideas, should i kill him? I would probabaly save hundreds of lives he will eventually end.

But killing is wrong,right? I mean i know i have killed before...but that was because i was protecting myself there was nomother option. That creep at the oark would of done it to more girls if he was still alive. My father would eventually have killed me also if he was still alive.

No, i can't kill him i cant kill anyone ever again. How could i have ever killed 2 people!? ...i killed my father and a guy i didnt even know. He could of had a family, maybe a family that depended on him for income and now that yes gone they could be living in the streets fo all i know.

But i didnt think twice to see the light leave his eye. What kind of monster am i? Im no better then jeff, a killer, a monster. But now i have the choice, the choice in whether this man no, whether this monster will lives or dies.

I know the old me would wanna kill him on the spot. The little girl that used to be me atleast. The one who got beat by her father and tried her hardest to hide my bruises, and cuts from him in public, the one who protected her fathers image so he wouldnt get in trouble or go to jail.

But now im a killer, and im on my own and i have grown up. So many things have hapoened in the last few days. Im changing into this person i know my mother would never approve of, but yet all i wanted was to grow up and maybe achieve some of the things she would of if i didnt kill her by being born.

Tears start to well up in eyes foggy my vision. My heart ached at the thought of what i was becoming, this isnt what i wanted for myself and this is not what my mom would want for me. She would not want me to be involved at all with this killer. My mom would want me to do this i know she would want me to kill this thing.

Maybe once he was gone i could start a new life, get a job and an apartment without being hurt by my father or being hunted down by jeff. I pulled out a knife and looked down to the face of jeff. The cut in his face was now healed up like that, the creepy smile that haunted many peoples dreams.

There was no way his face woud ever go back to what it was like before in that picture. He would never change and doing this would be a good thing. I would be protecting so many people, i had to kill this last person. Then i would begin my new life, and forget all about this.

-----Okay this chapter isnt finished but i thought i would give u guys atleast something to read im kinda having a writers block right now so any suggestions comment and idk if i like this chapter so far its just. Uhg idk just comment if u think anything should be change or yeah haha okay bye i will update maybe this weekend if i can okay bye


The smile of a killer (jeff the killer romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن