"He's kind of spiraling, isn't he? I mean, I know he has a school full of killers to take care of but he was the one who built this school in the first place, so this is kind of on him, isn't it?" the blond let out an exasperated sigh after being met with silence.

He nudged his friend, "Where is everyone's favorite murderous midget?"

"She's going to kill you when she finds out that you called her that"

The olive-skinned boy couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of Hope kicking Owen's ass for name-calling. She had threatened him just a few days ago when he called her the dark lord with no soul after she suggested that her boyfriend should cut all contact with his sister.

"Well, she's not gonna find out, is she?"

Adrian shrugged in response. They both knew as well as anyone that she would find out and there was a fat chance that her boyfriend would be the one to let it slip.

The Whitaker boy picked up the lighter between them and played with it, pressing and then releasing the button, "Are you going to tell me why you're out here at the ass crack of dawn, or do I have to go with the first thing that comes to mind?"

"I couldn't sleep," The Aquilo boy answered, "All I see when I close my eyes is my mom. All I hear are her screams, and it's one of those bloodcurdling kind of screams you only hear in movies, the kind that makes every single hair on your body stand up,"

The roommate hesitated, opening his mouth to him as if to ask if his friend was okay but decided against it. Adrian turned to him, "Do you remember when I first got here?"

Owen nodded, "Yeah, I was ready to bury an axe in your skull cause I thought you were the fucking drama club. I've got a bone to pick with anyone who is a part of that club. My roommate, the one before you, was a drama guy. He used to stay up until four am shouting at himself in the mirror. I once caught him there, talking about a fucking hot dog someone shoved up their ass before a court hearing. I slept for like an hour every night until he was finally shipped off to a school in Scotland and I suddenly had a single. . . then you came along and I almost killed you,"

"But I'd rather have you as my roommate than hot dog guy so if it isn't clear yet don't join the drama club or I'll be forced to lock you in a safe and leave you to drown at the bottom of this lake," the blond cleared his throat, "What was that you were saying about when you got here?"

"I think I killed my parents," Adrian mumbled.

"I think I heard you wrong"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the reason they died"

Owen snorted, "Well no shit"

"You know how my grandfather sent my uncle to kill me because they couldn't kill my dad and how Gabriel couldn't stand knowing he had, and I quote: 'supernatural filth' in his family?"

"I know that my dad has been his target ever since everyone found out about him and my mom, but they've been civil all this time. My grandfather was around a lot when I was a kid, but he stopped once I turned eighteen. And then, suddenly, they want me dead. Why? Maybe I couldn't trigger the gene until I was eighteen and maybe my parents knew that, and just maybe, they decided to step in and protect me and got killed instead,"

"Maybe you should learn a new word," Owen told him, "And I hope you heard how fucking dumb you sounded. I mean that might just be the stupidest thing to ever come leave your mouth"


"What do you mean, why? You're blaming yourself for something that you know wasn't your fault. Genetics and your crazy ass grandfather played a big part in what happened but it wasn't your fault"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now