The Beginning

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My 9th period bell rings. I grab my bag and walk to the band hall and grab my baritone. (Yes I play a instrument. No I don't give a shit if you think its funny.) Once I have my instrument I walk to my bus line and sit. My cousin walks out with a friend I haven't met before. (Cousin In a grade above me.) She looks nice, I guess. They walk over and start talking about Art class. Then I hear my cousin say my name. Shit. "Yeah. This is my cousin Max. Max, This is Dusty." My cousin says. Fucking great, nice to meet you now leave me alone. "Hi." I say looking at the ground. (Extremely shy.) "Hi. I see your in band, so am I." Dusty says smiling at me. "Oh, cool. Concert or Symphonic?" I ask looking at her hair. (Bright red with a hint of dirty blonde.) "Symphonic. I play Bass Clarinet." She says with a big smile. My cousin rolls her eyes and changes the subject. I look down feeling self concuss and sit down next to my baritone and stare off into space. Our bus gets call and I stand up grab my stuff and get on the bus.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about Dusty. But I couldn't tell if it was just about me liking her or something else.

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