School... Ughhh....

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*Kaylee's POV*

My sister Stephine woke me up. I got up toke a shower, and put on some clothes. I wore 

 I wore 

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I ate pancakes for breakfast. (bc who doesn't love pancakes). I grabbed my pennyboard and headed to school. Weston came with me. I met with my 8 best friends. Katy, Alley,Maddie,Carly,Tanna,Makayla,Stacy,Karmin. We all penny boarded to school. We walked into school. Weston said '' See you later''.Me and my friends said goodbye bc none of us have 1st period together. I have first period with Tyler why. Tyler bullies me all the time. I was at my locker when Tyler came up to me. I saw him and he did nothing. He said ''Sorry''. I was trying to figure all of this out when Angeline his gf walked by and he punched me. I fell to the ground. Mario rushed over to me. He looked at Tyler. He slapped Tyler and said ''Whats wrong with you''?. I had tears in my eyes. Mario wiped the tears from my eyes. He kissed my cheek. I felt sparks. He said ''Are you ok?''. ''Yes" I said. "Kaylee right?''. OMG he knows my name. "Ya" I said. "Your Weston's sister right"he said. "Yes". He walked of and a few seconds later weston came running to me with my sisters Babe, Stephine,Amanda,Lilly,and Kourtney. They all asked me if i was ok i had a big bruse on my head. "Yes" I said. i passed out. I woke up it was after school and i was on the couch and my friends and weston and sisters were standing beside me. I woke up that was a dream i was in a hospital. My freinds and family were standing around me. A nurse was in front of me saying i shouldn't go to school for 2 weeks. idk why thow I just passed out. I had an icepack on my head were ty hit me. I sat up and saw Mario. The nurse said I had to stay here for a few days. The nurse said everyone had to leave but Mario decided to stay with me for the a few days or till i got to leave since today was the last day of school. I got a text from Tyler and as always it was harsh. it said slut cut deeper next time. Mario grabbed my phone. he read the text. He rubbed the concealer of my wrist to see cuts. he started to cry. He went to my insta and twitter and saw the mean texts from tyler and his gf Angeline. he started crying. 

*2 weeks later*

Im all better and i feel great. I am going to Starbucks with Mario. We got in and he took me to the side. And said ''will you date me?''. I said yes. he held a silver necklace with a infinity sign on it. He put it around my neck. And people said ''awwwww'''. All except Tyler he ran out with tears in his eyes. I ran after him and Mario ran after me. I caught up to him and he said " I really liked you ''. ''I didn't know plus you were dating and still are dating Angeline''. Then he punched me. I was surprised. He drug me in to a alley. He beat me up. tears in my eyes. He started kisssing me. I tried to ecscape from him but his grip was to strong. He heard Mario yell for me. He picked me up and ran from Mario i yelled for Mario. "Help Mario" i said. Mario started chasing him and Tyler ran into his house losing Mario. His mom wasn't home neither was his brothers. He put me own his bed. By this time i heard mario bang on the door. I screamed 'Help Mar-" i was cut of by a piece of duck tape being taped on my mouth. Tyler started kissing my neck. I was screaming.


Kaylee was screaming. i decided to call Weston, Jullian and Jovani,Mark,Jacob,Hunter and Brandon. They came and we started banging down the door. 


i heard the door bang down. I was screaming.  Mario and his friends came busting in the door. Julian, Jovani, Weston,Jacob, and Mark started beating Tyler to death. Mario,Brandon,and Hunter untied me ant took the duck tape of my mouth.We all walked out and Mario was caring me out. Mario said" Im sorry princess i should of took more care of you". " its not your fault i shouldn't of tried to give him a second chance and i ditched you". I got a text from Tyler "Slut". Mario told Jovani to read the text i got to him. He grabbed my phone i tried to stop him but since Mario was caring me i couldn't. he said "Tyler texted her and called her a slut". Everyone one was in shock. I started to cry. Tyler kept texting me mean things. Mario made jovani hold my phone so i couldn't read the texts. Mario said i was grounded from my phone. I asked how could i get ungrounded from my phone. he said kiss me . I kissed him and felt sparks. Ok phone now. And he said nope. Dang it i said. We went out for Starbucks. We all were spending the night at Mario's house. We watched random movies on Netflix. I fell asleep.i woke up to Mario caring me upstairs. I pretended to be asleep becouse i didn't want to walk. He put me on his bed and he started to put on pajamas. I totally was not peeking throw his bathroom door the whole time (wink wink). I was already in my pj's so i didn't  have to change. He saw my eyes open and walked over to the bed. 


He started hovering over me. He took of his shirt. ( feel free to fangirl).He slowly started grinding.He started kissing me and i started to kiss back. the rest was history.( but not like sex i just ment it was something specail)........

soo how was that im sorry if ur not injoying this its my first book

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