Epilogue: Pale Faces, Small Places.

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Two months.

Two months since both Frank and Gerard had died. No, not died, passed on. There was still a lingering feeling of darkness, and there was no getting around it. For Mikey, it seemed to cling to his back everywhere he went. It was worse on him, as Ray and Bob moved out of New Jersey not long after. Mikey could be a little bit happy for them, at least. Even if he was still stuck in the city, that didn't mean that everyone else had to be held down, too.

The school time was pretty rough, everyone always asking Mikey about them. It was hardest because he just wanted to forget, but he didn't at the same time. He didn't want Frank and Gerard to fade into the endless sea of memories and forgotten people. Not yet. Mikey had been dropping grade wise, but he'd promised himself a while ago that he wouldn't end up doing what Gerard did. He wasn't going to follow his brother in that way, Gerard didn't even want him to based on the small note he'd written for him.

Mikey had turned back to playing bass, something he hadn't done in a long period of time. The first few strums were rusty, but eventually, he was back to playing like he would before Gerard's illness took over. He wrote a few songs, but he knew he was nowhere as good as Gerard ever was. He'd worked with a friend of his, David, on a few songs. Still, he would constantly listen to the records that Gerard would have on his phone from when he decided to record something.

The funeral wasn't very large nor extravagant. There wasn't a need that was present. Frank Iero and Gerard Way were two outcasts who didn't have a care in the world other than the health of those the two cared about most, including each other.

Mikey remembered getting mad. He'd ended up punching the walls of the rusted and worn building, tears streaming down his angered eyes. Mikey blamed himself for a long time, not understanding why his brother would leave him in such a horrible way. He understood Frank's method more, but Gerard? If his older brother loved him, why did he leave him? He didn't go up to the casket until the very end, after everyone had left the room with choked sobs and stained cheeks. The two caskets were laying next to each other, each open to see the beautifully pale faces of the two boys who would never truly know happiness again, never getting the opportunity.

The two of them, Gerard and Frank, were both in matching suits. They were pitch black, a nice, red tie adding a little accent. Each held a rose in their hands, across their chest, and it, too, held a small note. But, this note wasn't sad. It wasn't depressing. It was, in some aspects, calming to the mind.


But, that wasn't all Mikey noticed. They were smiling. Not very wide, but it was still a smile. And, that small detail was what put Mikey's mind at ease the most. The rain had just started to trickle outside, and Mikey smiled out the window. Quietly, he said to himself with a sly smirk, "'Sup, guys."

The thunder cracked in response, and Mikey sat back down in front of the coffins after getting his bass from the car, strumming lightly as he felt the vibrations of the strings against his finger pads, his voice humming along to a tune that only really the three of them knew. That soft hum was to a tune that Gerard had written ages ago, but was now false, as Gerard and Frank really were okay, now. And, Mikey knew he would be, too. He just had to give it time. And time he had.  

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