'Did- er did any one touch you?' my voice is quiet and cracks at the end as I ask the question

She shudders sightly 'er no... some tried but a er man stopped them. Saying the choice was yours'

I breath a sigh of relief as I know that the only damage is a few hits and although that is horrible, she could have had a lot worse done to her.

'Listen to me, your going to be okay Molly. I promise your going to be just fine. Keep quiet, don't look at them and listen to me'

She cries quietly and I wish nothing more than to be able to hold her and comfort her and I couldn't not when I am tied.

'Molly you need to listen. You have to stop crying . If they see you cry they will hurt you, please I'm going to protect you. No matter what do not cry, Molly don't cry' My voice becomes stern as I hear footsteps and she quickly turns her face to wipe the fallen ties on her clothed shoulder before facing me. She's quiet and no longer crying.

The door opens and I have to close my eyes briefly as I see the man that tormented me for so many eyes, stood in front of me smiling with an evil glint in his eyes.

'Hello, my dear Lacey. I've missed you '

I glare at the man stood in front of me, I hold so many nightmares of him, have so many scars because of him and holds so much hatred for him.

'I can't say I've missed you Charles.Shocked your still alive to be honest' I spit back

I feel a sting to my cheek as my head snaps to the side. I look back at him, his eyes dark and his fists clenched I can see a slight redness spreading on his knuckles and I already know that a bruise is spreading across my face.

'You should know not to be so rude to me, dear Lacey'

'I do know, but you don't deserve that kind of respect. Not from me and not from anyone else'

I already know he will hit me for the answer and it is proved when my head snaps to the other side. I have to move my move a little as I feel the ache in my jaw.

'Although I love your sass, you need to shut up and know your place. Now you have a choice to make my dear. Either reminisce the old days or I make new memories with Molly. You can decide'

I shake with fear and anger as I know exactly what he means by 'reminiscing. He wants to rape me. Even though it had taken me so long to be okay with another persons touch, he wanted to do it all again and ruin me. I can't. I can't go through that. Not again. I won't survive. Not this time. I turn my head away refusing to voice my answer but he knows as he steps towards Molly.

I see her clench her eyes shut and begin to whimper quietly, she's shaking in fear. I know she will never be able to live herself if that man does what I know he wants to do to her. I also know I will never forgive myself if I allowed it to happen especially when I had the opportunity to stop it.

'S-stop' I speak, Charles pauses and turns towards me with a wide smirk. My voice also makes Molly snap her eyes open and meet mine, her eyes wide and be begins to shake her her furiously.

'L-lacey n-no' She stutter and I have to admire her strength

'Don't touch Molly in any way at all. Don't let anyone touch and - I let out a quiet sob- and you can 'reminisce ' he smiles

Walking towards me , he gently strokes my face making me flinch away from his ice cold rough touch, he leans forwards so I can feel his disgusting breath on my ear as he whisper 'That my dear, is a deal'

He takes a gun from behind his back and aims it at Molly, taking a few steps away from me. My eyes widen in horror before he speaks 'Now free yourself and lay on the bed. If you try anything I will shoot her'

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