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Song for this chapter:

1. "Close" - Nick Jonas feat. Tove Lo 


"You can't do this young lady!" 

"Why not Dad? So you can continue your 'Family Tradition'? Austin is my friend but I don't love him enough to marry him. Richard is who I wanna be with for the rest of my life" Maine replied. She and her Dad are now in a separate room trying to fix their issues. 

"But this is not about love .. this is about family .. this is bigger than mine or your mum's future ... this is for you" 

"For me? Dad, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want this?. All I want is a simple, totally independent and happy life. You cannot control me the way you control our business. I'm a person , not some establishment that you can manage" Maine replied. She's starting to feel like the weight of the world is slowly getting lifted off her shoulders. Finally, she now has the courage to tell her Dad all the words she wasn't able to say these past couple of years. 

"Maine , if you don't do this. You'll lose your spot in my will"

"I don't care" she answered before walking out of the room, only to see Richard and her Mum munching on some cookies and talking to each other with smiles on their faces. 

"Seriously? what happened to the two of you?" she asked, surprised that they are getting along very well. 

"What?" Richard asked, confused. 

"Ugh, never mind ... let's just go"

"Sweetie what happened?" her mother asked. 

"I'm sure you know exactly what happened Mum, we're going. Talk some sense to your husband" she replied. Maine is pissed off. Actually, she's more than pissed off, she's mad. After grabbing their bags, the two exited the house right away. 

"Damn it .. damn it .. damn it!" Maine yelled as soon as she got inside the car. 

"Your Dad officially hates us now huh?" Richard asked her. 

"Yes .. but not as much as I hate him" 


Maine told Richard to just drive her home but he had other plans for the night. Instead of going back to her apartment, they went straight to a Korean restaurant. 

"Seriously, Richard? What are we doing here?" he heard her ask. He smirked and showed her the private area where their booth will be inside a room. 

"Don't tell me this is a business of yours" 

"Actually, it's a family business. This is owned by my cousin" 

"Robin? Isn't he like .. 16?" she asked. 

"Nope... this is not his .. don't be a moron"

"Ugh fine ... then what are we doing here?" Maine asked before sitting right across him. "We're going to eat and get drunk" he replied. 

"Eat and get drunk? what are we? High School students?" 

"Oh come on now. Calm your tits Maine" 

"How can I calm down? My whole life depends on what will happen over the next couple of days" 

"Eat and get drunk ... we just need to chill"

"No Richard, I will never get drunk at this place ... not now ... not ever" 


"Shit, I think I'm drunk"  Maine thought to herself after feeling that everything is spinning around. As usual, Richard is right. She now feels calm, but also a little too drunk for comfort. 

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