"Oh hi me how are you?" I replied sarcastically as I tried to find the switch on the light, "Aha" I said to myself as I flicked it on.

"Boo" I whipped my head to the left to see Zayn bent over smiling, and he called me weird?

"Oh it's just you, night!" Pulling the covers over my head I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey!" I felt him sit down on my bed, I shuffled around so that I was facing him, he tugged at the top of the quilt, giving up I pulled it back smiling at him innocently. "Can I join you?" He asked, I peeled the quilt back more inviting him in, it wasn't as if anything was going to happen, we were taking this slowly I wasn't going to give in that quick. "Night beautiful" He whispered in my ear as we cuddled under the covers, my eyes slowly closed as I gave into my tiredness I wanted to fight it and enjoy the moment but I was shattered.

19th February

"Morning babe" Zayn's smooth voice woke me up, although everything was perfect last night I didn't have the energy for today. "Summer?" his voice sounded worried as I didn't respond, I just wanted to lay in bed forever.

"Mmm" I hummed in reply, my body felt stiff and ached, everything felt so slow like my brain wasn't working properly, it was but I just didn't have any energy at all.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to get you anything?" Zayn's worried voice asked me, I felt him crouch down beside my side of the bed. Slowly opening my eyes, with all the energy I had I half smiled at him.

"I am now" I giggled as he leant forward and kissed me.

"Come on it's our last day recording then we're free!" he reached his hand out tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah until we get back to London and we have to start recording the actual songs" I rolled my eyes slipping out of bed.

"Don't sound too excited babe" He winked "I'll see you downstairs, don't be too long". Love my life!

Pulling on gray trackies, a blue top, a gray hoodie with my vans I stuffed everything I needed into my bag. After pulling my hair into a ponytail and applying minimum make-up, I headed downstairs following the smell of a greasy fry up.

"Sleeping beauty awakes!" Louis winked as I entered the kitchen/dining room.

"Thanks?" I mumbled wiping some mascara away from my eye.

"Summer can I have a word?" Claire stood at the top of the table.

"Uh yeah sure.." I replied confused. I followed her into the living room and took a seat on the couch next to her.

"The press have got something about you and Zayn from the other night, we can stop it from running but it's your choice."

I smiled to myself remembering the other night at the fair.

"Close your eyes, no peaking!" Zayn's hand guided me along.

"Are we nearly there yet?" I asked itching to find out where he was taking me.

"Almost..okay open your eyes!" I did as he said and snapped my eyes open. My eyes adjusted to the bright lights and colours around me. The sweet smell of candy floss and popcorn lingered in the air, the sound of laughter surround me. It was so busy!

"omg this is amazing!" I wrapped my arms around him, aching to go on the rides. "You're amazing" I smiled standing on my tiptoes so I could kiss him.

"Summer?" Claire snapped me out of my daydream, "I can't hold the story for long"

"Uh right, can I see the story?" Claire fiddled around with here Iphone and showed me an email containing the story,


Zayn Malik, 19 was seen with Summer Tyler, 20 at a funfair last night in LA. The two were seen kissing on a fairest wheel. Summer Tyler said on an interview with Alan Carr that she was in the early days of a relationship could this be the mystery man?

The article went on with comments from 'sources' ect with a few photos of me and Zayn kissing and on some rides.

"I need to talk to Zayn" I said quietly excusing myself. What had I got myself into? Why weren't we more careful?

"Zayn?" I bit my lip nervously as I entered the kitchen.

"Yeah babe?" he looked up from the table.

"I need to talk to you" I broke off eye contact with him.

"Er sure sorry lads" he got up scraping his chair along the floor when he got close to me he whispered in my ear. "What's up?"

"I need to show you something" I told him as we walked back to the living room. Claire held her Iphone out for him to take, his eyes scanned along the screen taking in the information, when he'd finished reading he looked up at me I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"We have to decide whether we run it or not" I told him quietly my voice cracking, I didn't know what I wanted to do I just didn't want this to be over. 'You're over thinking Summer it's just an article' I told myself.

"They're going to find out at some point so why not now?" Zayn pulled me in for a hug, "Let it run and we can confirm it on twitter later?" He questioned waiting for me to reply, I nodded burying my face in his chest relieved that he wasn't mad.

"Ok, thank you guys we'll deal with anything else that comes up" Claire took back her phone and left us alone.

"We'll be fine" Zayn whispered in my ear comforting me, he was right. We would be, wouldn't we?

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