Chapter Seventy-Two

Start from the beginning

"Liam...why are you covered in paint?"

But instead of answering me, he covered my eyes with his hands.

"Why don't I just show you?"

We began walking forward.

"You better not run me into anything, Liam..."

He chuckled and we kept walking.

"I'm serious, Liam. If you purposely run me into a wall, I'll hate you forever."

"Hate is such a strong word..." he whispered by my ear when we stopped walking.

"Ok...maybe I'll be a little mad...but then I'll be okay because I can't stay mad at you." Liam chuckled again.

He slowly removed his hands from my eyes then said, "Surprise."

What I saw was a nursery. Everything was there; a baby crib, a rocking chair and many other things you find in a nursery. The walls were the color that was splattered all over Liam. When we both took a step inside the room, I saw what was exotic. There were tons of stuffed animals that would be found in the jungle. Then there were pictures on the wall. They were all cartoony, but they were still of animals in the jungle.

"''s perfect."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed a kiss on my forehead then smiled.

"I'm glad you like it, babe."

"I don't like it, I love it, Liam."

I kissed his nose then walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. I had to tell him about babysitting Wyatt. It shouldn't be that hard right?

"What are you thinking about, love?" Liam asked.

He was leaning against the doorframe now.

"I agreed to babysit a friend of mine's little boy..." I began.

"Do I know this friend?"

Of course he did.

"No...she's a new friend."

"Do I get to meet her?" he can't.

"I'm actually picking her son up and bringing him here..."

"Oh. Well, what's her son's name?"

I began to bite my nails; I couldn't keep this from him. I made a promise to Liam a promise to not keep secrets.

"Liam...I need to tell you something..."

He stopped leaning against the doorframe and came to stand in front of me.

"What is it, Shayna?"

"Please...please don't be mad at me."

He got a scared look on his face then.

"What happened, Shayna?"

"I...I...just promise you won't be mad at me."

"I promise."

I looked down at my hands but Liam lightly grabbed my chin and tilted my head up.

"You can tell me anything, love."

"I've met Hanna," I said quickly.

Liam removed his hand from my chin.

"You what?"

"I've met Hanna and the boy I'm's her son..."


He shook his head and turned his back to me. I got to my feet and tried to turn him around, but he wouldn't budge.

"Liam, please. You promised you wouldn't be mad..."

"You didn't say it was going to be that!"

I jumped away from him and nearly fell back onto the rocking chair.

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"You need to call her back and say you can't do it."

"Liam! I can't just do that to her!"

He turned around to face me.

"Yes you can! It's easy. Just pick up your phone, call her and tell her you changed your mind."

"I'm not going to do it, Liam and you can't make me."

I heard him sigh loudly. Looking at his hands, I noticed he was clenching and unclenching them. Maybe I should let him relax. Maybe I should listen to him. But what was wrong with watching Wyatt?

"Liam! Haven't you thought that watching Wyatt could prepare us for taking care of our baby?"

"I said no, Shayna. Call her now and tell her no."


I wasn't prepared for what happened next. I heard it before I felt it. As I dropped to the floor, my face began to tingle and not in a good way. Liam gasped after what he had done.

"Shayna...I'm...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean it."

He held out his hand for mine.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry. You've got to--"

"Shut up! Just shut up and don't speak to me ever again!"

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do! I hate you!"

Even though I declined his help, he still grabbed my arm and brought me to my feet.

"Let go of me, you dickhead!"

"Shayna! I didnt mean it!"

"Is that what you'll say when it happens the next time?! 'Oh, I didn't mean it. Please forgive me, Shayna' And blah blah blah."

"Stop this, Shay. You know I would never hurt you on purpose."

I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"Then why did you do it now? You promised you wouldn't hurt me!"

"It was an accident. A bloody accident, Shayna! Why won't you forgive me?!"

Why wouldn't I forgive him? I didn't really have an answer. He placed his hands on either side of my neck and looked into my eyes; searching for the forgiveness he desperately craved. But I didn't give in. His hands dropped from my neck and I saw a single tear fall from his eye. He turned and headed for the door. Before he left the room, he looked back at me.

"I love you, Shayna..." he whispered as he disappeared from my view.

I probably stood in the nursery alone for about ten minutes before I decided it was time for bed. When I stepped out into the hallway, everything was dark. No lights were on and the house was silent. Putting my arms out, I placed my hands on the wall and guided myself to Liam's room. After pushing the door open, I felt my heart drop; Liam wasn't laying in bed like I thought he would be.

"Where are you, Liam?" I almost cried.

I walked further into the room and tripped on something that was on the floor. When I got to my feet, I realized what it was; it was my bag.

"Liam, I'm sorry," I cried.

I kicked my bag under the bed the pulled back the covers. Slowly climbing into bed, I pulled the duvet towards me and buried my face in the pillow.

"I forgive you, Liam."


Liam! What the hell?! Why would you do that?!


So where did Liam go?


-Ari Horan-

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