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  Adeline's stomach filled with fear as she stood there, her ear against her parents bedroom door. What was she going to do? What's going on?

Questions were building up in her head. She stood there shocked by what she just heard that she didn't notice that the voices had stopped. She heard faint footsteps coming towards the door.

Oh no, she ran back to the kitchen trying to be quite as possible climbing up the stairs and to her bedroom.

Opening her bright hot pink dressed she grabbed her hello kitty pj's. Yes hello kitty don't judge it wasn't her fault she hadn't got new ones!  

Now making her way for her bed she laid there deep in thought. She couldn't sleep now. She watched the hours tick by on her alarm clock.

3:00 am
She laid there thinking about what her parents were going to give her. It's more than a present she thought. They said it would protect me.. A gun? Knife? Some kind of deadly sharp object? Hmm...

4:00 am
Now her ears were ringing she was think so hard about what her mom had said, She doesn't know what she is... I'm human..? It was almost a question as she thought it. Now feeling sick to her stomach she shifted. Go to sleep, go to sleep, GO TO SLEEP!

5:00 am
Well Adeline you're a weirdo who's not human. You're a wizard.. Or a demigod? She actually laughed out loud. That would be cool.. But not my style.

Six o'clock pasted in a blur. She felt like she had ten ton bags under her eyes. Her thoughts blurred together her brain only processing little words like ..human?....give it....doesn't know who....she is..

Now finally at seven o'clock her alarm sprang to life. Her eyes feeling heavy and bagged she got up. She dressed putting on her shirt inside out. She ran to the bathroom to get ready for school... Oh how much fun this is going to be she thought.

"Adeline, are you sure you're okay?" Adeline's best friend Elizabeth wouldn't stop. The grumbling of the bus was starting to give Adeline a head ache.. Or was it Elizabeth? She couldn't tell.

"How many times to I have to tell you I'm fine, just tired." Adeline explained

"You just look pale today, and there had to be a reason you weren't sleeping well last night." Elizabeth replied.

Adeline was starting to fear Elizabeth would get the truth, she could always read Adeline well.

Her green eyes seemed to sink into her like daggers, Adeline looked away quickly she couldn't share the truth. Besides she didn't even know all the truth.

Adeline tried her best to give a innocent look. Twirling her blonde, silvery hair in her fingers. Elizabeth gave her a look back like really?

Then realization hit Elizabeth's face like a brick. "It's Jason isn't it?"

Oh shit. Adeline glanced around searching for anyone who might've heard. The girl next to them, Janet had her headphones in. The seat behind them was empty and so was the one in front. "Don't say his name so loud!" Adeline shushed.

"Ohhhh. So it is?" Elizabeth said ignoring Adeline's last request.

"Maybe," it's the best thing Adeline could think of, using her crush as an excuse. But if any of Sarah's friends heard what was going on Adeline would be dead.

Sarah is Jason's 'perfect' girlfriend. You know that one girl who has everything and acts like she's the queen of England?

That's her.
Elizabeth blabbed on the whole bus ride. Adeline loved her best friend so much but she wished she'd just be quite sometimes.

Finally the bus stopped. A big stone castle like Adeline's house but way bigger stood in front of them. It's stone pillars reaching high up into the sky, it's maroon colored flags flapping in the wind.

In front of the school a big sign said the words
Eastwood middle school

Adeline was relieved to be at school and off the loud bus. She'd always been found if school, just not math she absolutely hated math. Which was of course her first period of the day.

She separated from her friend Elizabeth to get to her locker. The halls were so crowded that it was almost impossible to not get shoved or pushed.

Walking the long hallway she got to her locker. She, Janet and some eight grader Adeline didn't know had lockers next to each other, but only a couple lockers away there he was.

Adeline's legs felt like jelly. It was Jason, his back was turned away from her his bright blonde hair shined like the sun melting her insides. As he turned she got a glimpse of his stormy gray eyes.

Damn. Was all she could think every time she was around him. The first bell rang, Adeline hadn't realized everyone had gone to class. She grabbed her things and sprinted to math.

"We aren't done talking about Jason," Elizabeth half whispered half mumbled acrossed the table to Adeline. Elizabeth's face was stuffed with the cheesy bread they served at lunch.

"Chew, Liz, chew," Adeline laughed as Elizabeth struggled to swallow the rest of the bread.

"What, are you serious?," Sarah's sassy voice rang from the table behind them. At first Adeline's heart pounded thinking that she'd overheard but when she turned around she saw that Jason was trying to have a conversation with her.

"Look I'm really, really sorry but I don't think it's working out for us." He said calmly.

"Oh my god!" Sarah replied, as she got up and stormed out the cafeteria doors. Adeline and Elizabeth jaws dropped in astonishment.

Adeline actually smiled, and as if her day couldn't get any better as Jason walked passed three table he glanced back looked at Adeline and smiled.

Her stomach filled with butterfly's she almost felt as if she were floating herself. The rest of the day drifted off into time.

She'd forgotten completely about the night before..

Omg I'm so tired I'm going to crash right after I upload this. I know, I know. It was a boring chapter I'm really sorry I just needed to get that sorted

Now the fun begins I've got a lot of surprises next chapter waiting for you... Hehe.

If I made any mistakes please tell me I did write this story while I was almost about to fall asleep. Oops.

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