What not to do at Camp Half blood

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Ok here's a hilarious one my friends and I came up with at a sleepover 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. I will not try to braid Chrions tail 

2. I will not tell the newbies that there is treasure hidden in the woods 

3. I will not lock Percy and Jason in a room together 

4. I also won't bet which one comes out first 

5. I will not give Mr. D the idea to create his own strawberry army 

6. I will not dress up as Harry Potter 

7. I won't ask Percy nor Jason who died and made them captain 

8. Christmas songs at Halloween is not appropriate  

9. Neither is singing them at Easter 

10. I will not pay the Stolls to change Percy's ringtone to "Under the Sea" 

11. I won't paint the Hades cabin pink 

12. I also won't paint the Aphrodite cabin black 

13. Then act like I didn't do it 

14. The Oracle is not a tango partner 

15. It is not appropriate to set up hidden trip wires everywhere 

16. Hiding the Athena cabin's books in the Ares cabin isn't funny 

17. I can't convince the Hectate cabin to do a prank week 

18. I can't bribe Piper to use her charm speak for my purposes 

19. Mostly because she won't anyway 

20. It is not funny to post a list of "How to annoy Annabeth Chase" or for anyone else 

21. Sneaking into the Ares cabin is not a good idea 

22. Neither is trying to shove Clarrisse's head down a toilet as payback 

23. I won't put anti growth soil in the Demter Cabin 

24. I won't ask Pollux how his brother is doing 

25. I can't tell the Aphrodite cabin that Clarrisse is prettier than them 

26. I shall not run through capture the flag screaming "FOR NARNIA!" 

27. Correcting Clarrisse is not a good idea 

28. I will not steal Percy's Minotaur horn, tape to my forehead and run around screaming I'm a unicorn 

29. Despite her temper, Annabeth's nickname is not lava girl 

30. I won't tell Jason and Piper to "Get a Room" 

31. I shall not refer to the Stoll's as Fred and George 

32. I can't tell the hunters that Thalia made out with Travis 

33. Nor tell them that Travis got beat up by a girl 

34. It is not appropriate to ask Annabeth or any of the Athena cabin if they have a belly button 

35. I will not give Pelus a extra spicy bean burrito 

36. I can't scream "Free Willy" every time Percy goes swimming 

37. I shall not Iris message the gods while they're in the shower 

38. Never ask Connor or Travis who's older 

39. Never ask Thalia about her Twilight obsession  

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