Tomorrow's Tea

179 3 3

Words: 879

Your POV

I hate myself!! Uhhhgh!! I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have gone to school!! I wouldn't have met the ninja!! I...I...I hate Kai... If only I were older. I spot a tea shop and I looked at my money and walked inside.
"Hello." An elderly woman said.
"Hi, uhm I'm here for some Tomorrow's Tea..." I said.
"Once you use it, there's no going back." She said.
"I know...I have a friend who used it." I said.
"Ok just warning you." The elderly woman then took some herbs out of a jar and into a bag and gave it to me.
I handed her the money and walked out. I looked around and walked off to my house pouring some hot water over the tea bag in the cup. After a while I stirred it and drank it all up coughing.
"Ewwww!! It's so bitter!!" I yelled to myself.
Then I passed out.

Time Skip Because Arte Is Older

I woke up and touched my head groaning in pain. Euck!! My mouth is so bitter. I then remembered I took Tomorrow's Tea and I ran to the bathroom looking at my older self.
"Woah...I look...awesome!!" I yelled. (I bet you thought I was going to say hot huh)
I ran outside and looked up to find the Bounty. I spotted it from a distance and started running towards it.

Cole's POV

"Wait! Where is Elisa?" I asked.
"You're right!" Nya yelled.
"I saw her run off." Kai said.
"We have to find her." I say.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"Is it O-chan?" Jay asked.
"Let's find out." I said as we walked out we saw a girl about our age with silver hair and pink Elisa...
"Who're you!?" Nya asked, yelling.
"Im- oh right I almost forgot again heheh...guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was..." The stranger said.
"Arte?" Kai asked.
"That's me." She said.
"What happened to you!!" Lloyd yelled.
"Tomorrow's Tea...don't worry." She said.
"You know you can't turn back right!" Kai yelled.
"Yes I know!" She yelled at him.
"Then why did you change!" Kai yelled.
"Well Lloyd changed too!" Elisa yelled.
"Don't bring me into this." Lloyd took a step back.
"He had no choice!!" Kai yelled,"You did!"
Elisa looked as if she were about to cry and jumped off the ship.
"Elisa!!" I yelled jumping down after her.

Your POV

"He had no choice!!" Kai yelled,"You did!"
I felt the sting of tears at the corners of my eyes and I jumped off the ship.
"Elisa!!" I hear Cole yell after me.
I ran to an alleyway crying to myself.
"Elisa!!" I hear Cole's distant voice.
"Hello little lady..." A gangster said.
I looked up to see a gun in his hand.
"Why are you crying? Boyfriend dumped you?" The gangster said.
His twelve gangster friends laughed.
"Why would I have a boyfriend." I sniffed wiping my tears away.
"Awwwe why wouldn't you, you're beautiful." The gangster said.
"Leave me alone." I tried to walk away only to see that there was actually more than twelve gangsters, but twenty five of them.
"Damn it..." I mumbled under your breath.
"Look I don't want to fight you guys." I said.
"Then do as we say." Another gangster said as his lips touched your neck.
Your eyes widened. What are they doing to me!!
"Help!! Help!! Helmmmph-!!" The gangster covered my mouth as I screamed for Cole.

Cole's POV

I looked around not seeing Elisa anywhere.
"Help!! Help!! Helmmmph-!!" I hear from an alleyway.
"Elisa!" I yelled running towards her voice. I stopped at an alleyway peeking a bit seeing twenty five gangsters surrounding Artemisia's fragile body. I was about to jump in, but I stopped to see someone else jump in to help. The person had a black hoodie and skinny jeans. The person kicked most of them, shot a few of them, and flipped them.
"Are you alright ma'am?" The person said.
"Y-yea...wh-who're you?" Elisa said.
"My name is not important right now you hear that?" The person asked.
"Uhmm no..."
Then the person threw a knife at my direction as I hopped out in surrender.
"Cole! You where there the whole time and you didn't do any-"
"Elisa I just got here!! Who's that?" I asked.
"Friend?" The person asked.
"Y-yes." Elisa said.
"Right, then I'll leave..." The person then hopped onto the roof and disappeared.
"Wh-who was that?" Cole asked.
"I don't know...she had pink hair...that's all I know." Elisa said.
"Pink hair...hmm..." I said,"well we should probably head back to the Bounty right n-"
"No! Not with Kai there." Elisa yelled.
"Alright...uhhm we're near my dad's house let's go there." I said.
Elisa nodded as we walked towards my dad's house.
I rang the doorbell.
"Wow fancy." Elisa said.
" see my dad is a-"
"Son! Come in! Come in! Oh and who is this beautiful young lady?" Cole's dad said.


Yes the person in the hoodie will be introduced soon enough don't worry, and the next chapter is more of a Cole x Reader/Oc

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