Meeting the Ninja

296 10 6

Words: 858

Your POV

I walked into my new classroom looking at all of the idiots who were in the same grade as I was. I saw a free desk and sat down in it.
"Hey look we have a midget in our class!!" A jock yelled pointing at me.
I rolled my eyes and opened a book.
"How old are you, nine!?!" The jock started laughing.
"Actually I am." I said as I finally glared through his eye sockets, that was a metaphor.
"R-really!?" A preppy girl asked surprised.
"Yes." I stated.
"What's a kid like you doing here?" Asked another jock.
"Same to you." I said.
Everyone started laughing.
"H-hey I asked you first." He stumbled with his words.
"And I asked second. I don't see the problem here." I said.
"I want you to answer first!" He yelled.
"No need to yell, I can hear you very well, I am not a thousand years old." I said.
I hear laughing once more.
"Just answer me!!" He yelled again.
"Fine then, if you really want to know, I skipped 6 grades because I am too smart for school, but since I had to have some sort of education and I could only skip 6 grades, here I am." I said.
Everyone had shocked faces as they looked at me like a bunch of idiots.

Lloyd's POV

I walked into class hearing laughter and a group of people surrounding a kid. I look over and saw that she had silver hair and bright pink eyes. I then hung up my wet coat, since it was raining. We all sat down once we heard our teacher walk in.

Your POV

I heard the teacher walk in as everyone scattered to their seats. The teacher hung up her wet coat and put her soaked up umbrella away as she stood behind her wooden desk.
"Morning class, I am Ms. Yukai." She beamed.
"Morning Ms. Yukai." Everyone, but me said in unison.
"Since today is the first day of school, we'll have a free day!!" She smiled.
"Yayyy!!" Everyone cheered.
Every jock, preppy, cheerleader, emo, scene, goth, nerd, dork, geek, and gamer ran off to their friends while I sat there reading my book.

Zane's POV

The new girl looked lonely so I walked up to her desk and asked,"What book are you reading?"
"Look at the front, can't you see it?" She said, with a slight attitude.
I looked at the cover and saw Pulse.
"Oh, I liked that book, my favorite book would probably be (f/b) though." I stated.
(A/N: f/b = your favorite book, not a comic! A book like a novel)
"Oh! You like that book too!" She chirped.
"Like? No." I said.
"Oh..." She said as she looked down.
"But love? Yes." I said.
She looked up once more a smile on her face,"Really!! I thought I was the only one, especially since I get the plot twists and the drama in there with a hint of mystery and romance."
"Like life, life is full of plot twists, drama, mystery, and romance." I smiled at her.
"Name's Artemisia." She smiled.
"My name is Zane, is it true what you said?" I asked.
"About my age and how I skipped grades? Yes." She answered.
"That's cool." I smile as she smiled back.

Jay's POV

I saw Zane flirting with the little kid and nudged the ninja and pointed at Zane and the little girl he was talking to.
"Wanna go introduce ourselves?" Kai asked.
We all started walking in their direction.
"Hey Zane, oh and who's this?" I say.
"This is Artemisia." Zane said.
"Hello." She said.
"You have a very...unique name." Cole said.
"And you are a very unique person, or shall I say ghost?" She asked.
"Ooooh buuuurrrnn!!" Kai yelled.
"Says the ninja of fire." She said.
"Wait how'd you know he was-" Lloyd started.
"I'm smarter than you think little boy." She said.
"Hey I'm older than you!!" He yelled.
"Actually you are exactly the same age as me you just had a special tea called Tomorrow's Tea to make you grow older." She said in a matter of fact way.
"Wow...stalker much." Kai mumbled.
She stood up, she was maybe 4'5". She was adorable!!
"What'd you say mister porcupine!!" She said.
"Ooooohhhh!!!" I yelled.
"P-porcupine!!" Kai yelled in surprise.
"Whatever so what're your names?" She asked.
"Wait! You know everything about us, but you don't know out names?" Nya said.
"Well of course I'm not a stalker like this porcupine said." She said.
"Well, I'm Nya." Nya introduced.

Your POV

"Well, I'm Nya." The girl with a bob cut and China bangs said.
"I'm Kai." The porcupine said.
"I'm Jay." Said the loud one.
"I'm Cole." Said the ghost boy.
"I'm Lloyd." Said the so called 'attractive' one.
"Hmm...nice to meet you all." I said kind of monotone like.
Then the bell rang for lunch. I stood up and took out my lunch box and ran out of the classroom ready to eat. I mean I can't work on an empty stomach.

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