Chapter 22

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After Cole had recited the spell he collapsed in agony as if he was losing some of his power.

He looked up at the seer angrily. "He knew about this didn't he?.. The old priest knew that this spell would probably kill me."

The seer nodded. "But it hasn't.. You're still alive aren't you?."

Cole attempts to get up but stumbles on his first attempt so he tries again and this time he manages to stand up right.

Cole growls at the seer. "Only just.. What was your plan Seer?.. Kill me and then steal my throne?."

The seer gasps. "Of course not my liege.. I have no plan but to serve you my Lord.. Now I suggest you leave and go and see if your plan is indeed working."

Cole nodded. "It better because as of right now we don't exactly have a plan B."
He flames out and flames into Colette's bedroom.

He witnesses Colette shivering in her sleep just as black ash rises from the underworld and under Colette's door entering Colette's mouth and nostrils.

This created a strange feeling and made Colette shiver even more.

Realising that Colette was gonna wake up, He flames out of the room.

Suddenly Colette wakes up breathing heavily into a sweat. "Phoebe, Piper, Paige!!."

The three girls had heard the shouts from down the hall and rushed into Colette's room with an almighty crash.

Phoebe switches on the light and frowns. "Colette.. You look awful what is it?."

Colette shrugs. "I don't..know.. One minute I'm fine asleep next minute I'm shivering and waking up in sweat."

Paige looks at Colette in disgust at that last word. She whispered to herself: "Thank goodness I didn't give her my bed.."

Piper sighs thinking to herself. "What a drama queen."  Piper looks at Colette. "It's probably a nightmare."

Colette groans. "It wasn't a nightmare.. I know what nightmares are like and that wasn't it.."

Phoebe yawns tiredly. "Piper's right Colette.. Go back to sleep."

Phoebe and Piper and Paige return to their room.

Colette gets out of bed and switches off the light. "There probably right.."
And goes straight back to sleep.

Mortality to Magic (The Prequel)   Book Two ✔Where stories live. Discover now