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the signs as fangirls

Aries: calm on the outside but hyperventilating on the inside
Taurus: stalk them 24/7
Gemini: Rich kid, the one who owns every magcon merch
Cancer: can't go to magcon tour bc poor asf
Leo: can't go to magcon tour bc they have a strict parents
Virgo: magcon boys thinks she's hot
Libra: the unlucky one bc there's no magcon tour in their country
Scorpio: the lucky fangirls who meet them at the grocery stores or for free
Sagittarius: gets so excited she cries
Capricorn: the Internet fangirl. who's updated 24/7
Aquarius: the unlucky one who gets all the blurry picture
Pisces: doesn't stop talking about her fav

Magcon ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora