2p Iceland and 2p Norway

77 2 7

well I did this with 

Margaret: Oh hey 

Egil: Hello!

Margaret: I'm board 

Egil: Same here

Toni: She is literally a board she shapeshifted into a board to make the pun literal

Margaret:Hey!!! Toni 

Egil: Wow. Yo yo yo mother- goose. 

Margaret:*shapeshifts into a mother goose * QUACK QUACK


Loki:*laughs* I think you make a good goose.

Egil:  Is a mother goose even a real thing? Like I know geese can be mothers but did I use the right phrase... *rambles on*

Margaret: 'Is angry inside ' *turns back to normal gets her GIANT battle ax and chases loki* LLOOKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII come back here

Loki:  *hides and plays with a lighter* (DON'T PLAY WITH FIRE KIDS) 

Margaret: *finds fire and gets all her history books * burn spoilers burn

wait *finds loki * Come back here FIRE BASTARD

Loki: I will burn you.

Egil: 0-100 real quick. Amirite? O course I'm right!

Margaret:remember that I can shapeshift *shapeshifts into an elemental dragon and ruins Loki's fire party*

Loki: shape-shift into some paper then so you can burn easier.

Margaret: anger controls my power duh

Loki:Oh well. *sets fire to a random tree* 

 Margaret: *Duplicates her self then the clone chases Loki*

she's only here to stop loki's fires *in a candy break*

 Loki: Can I burn it?

Egil: No brother.

 Margaret(clone) : *controls some water to stop all the things that loki burnt*

Margaret: YO Egil *gives a whole box of imported chocolates from around the world* *still eating her sweets*

Egil: Oh. Thank you,! 

 Margaret(clone): well I stopped the fires *fuses back to her original self*

Margaret: *goes back to her room*

Loki: ;-; My fire...

Egil: It's okay big brother.

  the end

Behind the scenes 


 look for my username ^^

thanks APH_Tea_And_Scones  for helping me

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