Draco was shocked by his father's words yet he knew he shouldn't be. The man had changed since his mother's death here. All he cared about was getting back what he'd lost. He'd even sacrificed his only son's future happiness to make it happen, something he never would've done if Mother were still alive.

Draco felt his grief bubbling over and he quickly excused himself and fled to the sanctuary of his rooms. It was there and only there that he finally let the tears fall... tears for his virginity, for his future, and for every dream he'd ever had that was being squashed within the wake of his father's quest for power.

Draco would be nothing more than Potter's bride whore and he realized just now that the thought frightened him to death. The tears ran anew as he thought of the fate that now awaited him in England.


It had taken three portkeys for them to finally arrive in London. Draco had almost welcomed the sight of Big Ben upon the horizon. The journey had been tiring and so they'd opted to take a day of rest before meeting with Potter this morning. Draco was nervous as they now sat waiting for the Minister to arrive. He'd been dressed up for the occasion, his attire chosen to accentuate his more feminine qualities. It made Draco uncomfortable to be put on display like this.

The silk shirt he wore was like something from a bad muggle pirate movie but father had insisted upon it because it showed off Draco's mostly hairless chest. Draco wasn't overtly muscular by any means but he was still fit as the next bloke and it showed. His long blonde hair had been styled in a feathery wave across his face to further soften his angular features. A bit of gloss and kohl only added to the illusion of a female bride to be. Draco had balked loudly at the use of blush, figuring he could manage that one on his own just fine, besides he took pride in his alabaster skin.

This whole meeting was ludicrously pointless! It wasn't like he and Potter didn't know one another but then again, nothing Potter ever demanded surprised him. Not even when the man had ordered the Death Eater leaders put to death. It'd only been father's few ministry contacts that had saved them. They'd escaped in a shroud of midnite darkness and he was sure Potter still hadn't forgiven them for it.

They waited almost twenty minutes before Potter arrived. He was dressed in Emerald robes, perhaps a slight homage to Draco's Slytherin ties. Draco wasn't impressed; he had no ties to anything nowadays. His only loyalty was to his father and even that was on shaky ground lately.

They all rose as Potter approached them. Potter greeted his father and the other Ministry heads first. Then he turned his attention to Draco. He looked him up and down like he was buying some prized horse. Draco had to tamp down the urge to flinch when Potter's hand came to brush across his cheek.

"You weren't lying, when you said he'd grown lovelier with age, Lucius. Indeed, he'll make me an enjoyable bride."

Draco squirmed beneath Potter's gaze, which grew dark and feral. So this was why they'd arranged this meeting, so Potter could be sure of what he was buying. Draco trembled slightly as the man's fingers ran down the length of his arm in an almost sensual manner. He held back his tears, swallowing his Malfoy pride. So this was Draco's fate now, to be entertainment for the ministry's hero, to be Potter's bride whore and nothing more. This was the fate his father had sentenced him to. This might not be an execution but still, with every touch from Potter's fingers, Draco felt himself dying inside.


The wedding took place exactly one week later...

Most of the arrangements had been made weeks prior to their arrival. There was little for Draco to do in preparation for the big day. Instead, he spent the time, locked away in his room at the manor. Finally, they were home but Draco had never felt lonelier. His mother was dead, his father had an agenda and most of his former friends were in hiding. They were living once again in the lap of luxury, with enough house elves to serve multiple families but Draco couldn't even seem to enjoy it. Instead, he was left worrying about the future... about his role as Potter's blushing bride.

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