#1 // Haly's

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Please do not judge, I've never written an imagine ever in my life so this is all new to me. I'm sorry if it sucks and I wasted your time.

I also wanna warn you that I hate writing y/n so I'll have an actual instead of just y/n. It'll still be in 2nd person most of the time though.

Songs of the chapter:

Don't Tell Em by Jeremih

Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy

The Love (Interlude) by Tove Lo


Summary: You are visiting the circus when you hear a vicious sound and you decide to investigate.


The wind blew through you're hair, while the slight rain drops painted your glasses, enough to be annoying but you could still see properly.

You would've taken them off and wiped the drops of water off but you were too busy hugging yourself to keep warm.

Gotham always felt really depressing, from the ancient looking buildings to the high crime rate, Gotham was definitely not the most ideal place to live. But you have lived here your whole life and to just abandon it would be heart breaking. Like tearing a part of your soul out.

'Two more blocks' you reminded yourself, after seeing the dingy diner you had to walk past almost every night to get home.

Working as a bartender wasn't the greatest job in the world but the pay was great and it was plenty enough to pay rent, bills and eat and go out every now and then.

Tonight was one of those nights, you were treating yourself to a visit to the circus. You knew it was childish, but you kind of miss going there. All the candy floss and popcorn and you absolutely loved the acrobatics when you were younger.

The circus rolled around to Gotham around the same time each year and stayed for a week until they were off somewhere else again. You thought it must be tiring for them all rolling from place to place and never actually settling down at all.

It wasn't long until you reached my apartment building, unlocking the door and heading into your humble abode.

You plugged your phone in to charge and headed to the bathroom.

You had a nice warm shower, dreading getting out into the cold again.

While drying yourself, you walked into the bedroom (you didn't have to worry about anyone seeing you naked, one of the joys of living alone), you picked out warm clothes and put them on the bed.

You dressed casually, you were only going to the circus, not really a calling for wearing anything really fancy. So you chose some black skinny jeans, a random band tee and those boots that you really loved.

You grabbed your phone off charge and made sure your purse and keys were in your bag, quickly grabbing the umbrella you forgot this morning while walking out.

The rain wasn't as bad now but the umbrella was still very useful.

It wasn't long until you reached the edge of town where the circus laid. The sign read, 'Haly's Circus'. It brang back memories of you as a kid, practically dragging your mum through the masses of people.

You went to get a ticket and then headed through. The sound of music drifted through your ears along with the sound of children laughing while their parents chased after them.

Imagines // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now