Best1DFic Competion

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I wrote this one shot as an entry for the May One Shot Competition held by Best1DFic

The theme was One Direction's song Home, a personal favorite of mine. I was chosen as one of the winning entries and you can read my story both here and in their One Shot book, along with other amazing entries.

As you may know, I had been away from writing for a couple months. It was for so many reasons. This was the first inspiration I had in a long time. The resulting one shot came out a bit dark, and a lot emotional, but I hope you still enjoy it. It was therapeutic for me and representative of this time in my life in many ways. I poured a lot into it.

Please go read the other entries from very talented authors. You won't be sorry.

Thank you for sticking by me. Thank to for stick by Liv and Harry from GREEN. Thank you to Best1DFic for continuing to support me and other talented writers. Thank you for reading the following one shot.

This is Stumbling...

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