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"Fucking Alpha, screwing everything up!" he spat to himself, flopping down on his bed and covering his eyes with his hands. He stared at his palms, biting down the emotions that were crawling up in his throat.

Emeritus was in the bath when Alpha let himself into the house at ten thirty. Omega heard the front door close and the rustling of shoes being removed and set in the rack, and rolled off his bed, going out into the hallway, resolving to talk to Alpha before Emeritus did.

"Hey Tree," Alpha said in his false cheery tone when Omega stood in front of him. "Need something?"

Omega wasn't sure if it was the use of his hated nickname (his height wasn't that bad, dammit!), or just the fact that he was sick of the guy, but he lost it. Before he could stop himself, his arms flew out of their own accord and Alpha grunted as he was shoved up against the wall, a few picture frames falling off the wall and clattering on the carpet. Omega planted his hands on either side of Alpha's head and leaned in close, breathing heavily.

"Listen up, you fucking asshole," he growled, trying to ignore the fact that Alpha's skin looked rather soft, "I am sick to death of your existence. You are making my life absolute hell, and I want it to stop."

Alpha stared at him blankly, seemingly unperturbed by how close they were. "Is this because you have a crush on Tobias?"

The words sliced through Omega like an electrocuted sword. His breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Alpha had hit the mark dead on. How the fuck did a guy who seemed to have no real emotions manage to read Omega as though he was a damn book?

"How did- I mean..." he started, staring at Alpha, who continued to watch him coolly.

"It's pretty damn obvious, Tree. If it pisses you off so much, you should stake your claim." To Omega's incredulity, a real smirk tugged the corner of Alpha's shapely mouth. Wait, shapely?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Omega growled, trying to intimidate Alpha by leaning in closer. It was starting to infuriate him that the man was seemingly immune to the patent Omega Death Glare. The tall Ghoul was a master of it, and to have it not work was extremely perturbing.

Alpha's genuine smirk widened. Omega's face was only inches from his. They were breathing in each other's recycled air, they were that close. "If you're so confident that you're a better match for him, try and take him from me."

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that? I can't make a move on him whilst he's in a relationship with you." If Omega had been a robot, his warning light would have been flashing and a siren would have been wailing. He was that pissed.

"C'mon, Stomping Queen! Sleep with him," Alpha said with a shrug, as if this was the most logical answer in the world. Which it fucking wasn't.

"You may not give a damn about relationship morals, asshole, but if there is one thing that Emeritus is, it's loyal. You know damn well that he won't sleep with me whilst he has a boyfriend! That's even if... he actually likes me back..." he trailed off, momentarily dropping his angry front as he considered this heart-wrenching possibility. When Alpha chuckled however, the walls came straight back up.

"I know," Alpha smirked, "I wasn't saying you should sleep with him alone. What I was suggesting was that you join in."

Omega felt his jaw drop. Whilst he was rendered temporarily speechless, Alpha continued speaking. "Tobias has actually been talking about having a threesome for a while now. I know he likes you, and I know you like us. Yeah," he chuckled at Omega's stricken expression, "I've seen you eyeing me up too, Omega. I'm not blind, unlike Emeritus."

Omega's mouth worked, but no words came out. Alpha was suggesting that Omega joined in. That the tall Ghoul slept with both of them. And for some reason that only Satan knew, it kind of made sense. The only way to steal Papa away from Alpha was with sex; because that was the only reason he was in a relationship with Alpha in the first place. But because it was immoral to sleep with Emeritus whilst he was dating Alpha, the only way to prove Omega's sexual prowess was to join them in a threesome. And then it was a simple case of being a better fuck than Alpha.

Not to mention, Omega would get a chance to screw Alpha. Give the guy a break, he hadn't had sex in over a year, and after having to listen to the object of his desires and his sinfully hot boyfriend going at it like Duracell bunnies, any hole was a goal in Omega's eyes.

The tall Ghoul was now painfully aware of how close he was to Alpha, who was still trapped in the cage of Omega's arms against the wall. The pale guitarist still had that infuriating smirk on his face as his breath ghosted over Omega's parted lips.

"C'mon Omega. Fuck us, and let Papa choose who he wants more." His hand fisted itself in the material of Omega's hoody and he tugged Omega closer. Their chests were almost touching as they stared at each other with a mixture of hatred and lust.

"I won't lose," Omega growled as a warning, although he didn't really know why he felt Alpha needed to be warned. The bastard didn't deserve it.

"Actions speak louder than words," Alpha commented mildly, his free hand now playing with the cords of Omega's hoody, winding them slowly around his finger.

Omega's eyes narrowed. "Just shut up," he spat. "Shut the fuck up." And then he kissed Alpha with bruising force before the bastard could utter another word, smashing their mouths together as he dug his hands into Alpha's soft hair and fisted them painfully. Alpha groaned loudly and opened his mouth, letting Omega shove his tongue in and trace the contours behind his teeth. Omega was only thinking about how good it felt to finally kiss someone again, and how he would put up with it being Alpha because apparently it would lead to him fucking Tobias. The thought made him give a possessive growl which transcended into even more possessive kissing. He dug his teeth viciously into Alpha's full lower lip, eliciting a melodious groan from the other man which Omega lapped up greedily.

Kissing Alpha felt good. If Omega looked past the fact that this was the guy he hated the most in the world, that is. Actually, the very idea that he was kissing someone he truly hated was turning him on, especially because that person was Alpha. He was putting Alpha in his rightful place, the same person who made Tobias howl like a wolf in heat and bossed him around like he was his fucking slave. And Oh My Satan, did it feel good.

He released his teeth from Alpha's lip, but then drew the same lip back into his mouth, sucking on it as he locked eyes with the guitarist. Alpha stared back at him with unconcealed lust in his usually expressionless eyes. It threw Omega off a little; Alpha was the epitome of fake emotions. It was one of the reasons Omega hated him so much. So to see Alpha with so much real emotion was disconcerting. However, it completely explained why Emeritus could stand to have him as a boyfriend. Emotional Alpha was sexy.

Still an asshole though, Omega thought stubbornly, digging his fingers into Alpha's scalp and leaning in for another angry kiss. Alpha didn't fight as Omega tongue lanced back into his hot mouth, merely submitting to the anger of the taller Ghoul and moaning unabashedly.

Suddenly, an all too familiar voice rang out in the room, ending any heated activity that was taking place.

"What. The. Fuck."

Ooohhhhh, Cliffhanger! What is going to happen? Are they going to fuck? Why am I doing this to you? Cuz I fucking can, that why! Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Vote, add to your favorites! You know the drill! Bye Bye! ^•3•^

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