Strong Grudges

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It's been two years after Elvira invaded the Nazari homeland, Khanro and his sons lived in a cabin they've built near the edge of a hill top, that had a great view among the peaceful grasslands.

The Nazari families, orphans, and clan warriors were scattered throughout the world and hid from existence, some even lived amongst humans.

Clans that heard about the Nazari, holding a strong grudge against them, would hunt them down. All of the Nazari had no contact each other or know where everyone is, praying that their god Zana will show them mercy.

During those two years, Khanro tried to get in contact with King Odin, to ask for help in search for his people. Although there hasn't been word from the King of any sort.

As Khanro focused on getting in contact with the King, he also trained Irro and Amon which made them grew stronger. However, Amon was still a child in a way, although experiencing the horrors of war he would try to still find the happiness in everything.

Irro trained harder than Amon, constantly growing stronger and stronger. His only purpose for training hard was to end Elvira's life. A thirst for power, knowing that Khanro will pass the power of Lion Sage inside him, he had to stay ready until time came.


It's morning time, as Khanro was sparring with Irro and Amon, doing their daily training.

"Footwork Amon" Khanro said before countering Amon's attack making him stumble a little.

Irro on the other hand, was going straight up hand to hand combat with his father, throwing massive punches and kicks. Khanro dodged and blocked each attack from him before shooting a bolt of lightning at Irro, knocking him back as he laughed.

After knocking Irro down, he noticed that Amon was no where to be found before he suddenly dodged a incoming lightning bolt that came out of nowhere. Khanro without hesitation quickly turned around facing Amon as he was mid air blocking a kick that almost connected to his face.

Amon flipped over him and started punching rapidly at Khanro's stomach. Khanro was about to counter one Amon's attack but was stopped by Irro, coming out of nowhere in midair kicking Khanro in the chest, sending him flying back.

"Good. Good. Now don't stop attacking!" Khanro shouted, being a mentor in combat as he landed on his back, smoothly rolling over to prepare Irro and Amon's attacks.

Irro and Amon speed was unbelievable, both of them was attacking Khanro nonstop as they were appearing out thin air from multiple directions, however; Khanro saw each and every move they made and was blocking and dodging swiftly.

Finally, Irro landed a kick to the jaw sending Khanro flying into a rock. Khanro grunted as he held his back before opening his eyes, seeing Amon in midair, diving straight at Khanro.

Khanro luckily hops out of the way just in time as Amon caves in a hole in the rock with his foot.

"That was reckless Amon." Khanro said before engaging in combat with Irro.

As Irro and Khanro was trading blow for blow, Khanro was enjoying the sparring match with Irro, he realized how strong Irro has gotten.

"I'll defeat this time father" Irro said as he kicked him a distance away.

Irro charged up his fist with lightning as Amon got loose out of the rock. Amon saw what Irro was doing and decided to help by charging his fist with lightning as well, planning to attack Khanro from his blindside.

Irro took off in a instant running straight after Khanro, zig zagging in a blink of an eye, making it hard for Khanro to see him attack. Amon on the other hand charged straight at Khanro, trying to blindside him.

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