Jaebum #3

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Dawn came and a certain boy was counting minutes till he had to get up and go to school. Wide awake but with bloodshot eyes Jaebum made his way to the bathroom. His mother heard the noises and reacted instantly.

"Jaebum is that you?" she shouted waking all of the house members.
"Yes yes it's me, calm down" he assured her but was still annoyed at the way she acted. It was not rare for them to get into arguments that went into yelling sprees real quick.

Getting ready rather fast and silently, he skipped breakfast (not that he had it often anyway) and got out muttering a "im going" just to not sound rude to his father. The trip to school was welcomed. He needed the fresh chilly air to liven him up a bit. Because well, last night was quite interesting to him. He smiled a full on 36 tooth smile and felt something he hadn't felt in a long time: joy.

Before going to school he had sneakily grabbed the phone his hyung was supposed to guard off him. His family didn't allow him a phone. Let's just say Jaebum was a rebel without a cause. Always ready to say "no" and question everything. His family was well fed up with him but matters were getting serious even at school. A lot of teachers found his lack of tact, irritating.

The boy didn't care though. When things got on his bad side, he would straight up blow up in everybody's face. Either the volume would go painfully high or things would start flying around. And if he had to deal with adults, his actions would be cocky but mostly unimpressed or with a hint of annoyance.

Though to be completely fair, Jaebum was starting to quiet down. A lot of his previous friendships in the past went through the window just because the boy "had to express" his opinion on a certain matter that erupted. True, most of the times people just bullshited through stuff and wanted Jaebum to snap just because it was fun looking at his face go fully red from anger.

But a lot of them didn't really appreciate the aftermath of his anger. They simply had their fun and left the poor boy on his own. That happened more times that Jaebum even wanted to start remembering so he just vowed to clear his mind off the negativity and cut the dead leaves off. "A few month more and it's gonna get a whee bit better" was all he repeated to himself throughout his senior year.

He was just about to enter his school gate when his phone vibrated. Foreign number on the display. He knew it by heart though. He was waiting for it. His heart raced and a pair of trembling fingers pushed the accept button.

"Hi" his voice squeaked again.
"Heh, can you for once breathe before answering the phone Jaebummie?" the voice on the other end chuckled.
"I'll try" he continued still holding his breath "good morning Mr. Sunshine".
"Morning Jaebum. How did you sleep?"
"How did I not sleep" the boy confessed and started walking through the schoolyard.

"Really now" Youngjae cooed "that much of an impact I have on you? I should start using that to my advantage".
Jaebum scoffed "of course you would. Always wanting to be ahead. You will never change Choi Youngjae".

"Nah I don't think so. I've changed a lot in fact" he said and then quickly added "listen! Do you have a place where to enter facebook or something? Wherever we could message each other for a bit."
"I don't but I'll find a way. Wait for my sms till I figure out a way." Jaebum sighted and waited for the line to cut dead any minute now.
"Ok I will. One last thing. I am really happy just hearing your voice. I missed you..."

A smile crept on the boys face and he quickly said "me too" as the annoying "beep beep beep" set off again.

I don't even know if ppl still read this....
I'm writing without knowing shit!

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