Youngjae #3

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Youngjae thought it was a joke. He though his phone was playing games with him when he saw the number. The unusual phone call caught him right when he was about to drink his 5th shot or something. He wasn't even clear-headed enough to say the least.

Incredulously, he stumbled out on the damp night air and breathed heavily before responding.

"Hi!" the other voice squealed.
To Youngjae this was like an angels voice. He didn't mind the ear piercing shriek.

"Hi there fellow stranger" he smiled involuntarily and made the other chuckle.
"Happy birthday Mr. Sunshine" the voice rasped and continued chuckling.

"I didn't think you would say anything but I'm glad you did, Jaebummie" Youngjae laughed while uttering that name. A name he thought he wouldn't be saying for a while.

"How are you?" Jaebum breathed through the reception. For a moment Youngjae felt like he had the other right next to his side and that sent a shiver down his spine. "Get a grip!" he thought and mentally slapped himself.

"I'm fine. Hanging in there. How about you? How's school and all?" the boy asked while sitting in a bench nearby.
"Well you know, people don't really change. Just different colors." he heard the other through the speaker.

Youngjae felt a tug at his heart and started panicking. "Did those fuckers start anything again?" he thought while listening to Jaebum's sigh again.
"I'm sorry..." Youngjae said.


His heart sank a little when he didn't hear anything for e few seconds.
"Won't you say anything?" he raised his voice a bit and expected a hiss from Jaebum. The boy didn't like attitudes and especially coming from Youngjae.

"It's not that! I'm just a bit overwhelmed from all th... BEEP BEEP BEEP"
"Wait, noo..." Youngjae yelped and immediately flopped to the ground.
He knew that probably his credit finished and for the moment his credit was low too but it was late at night and no shops were open.

"32 seconds as always" the boy looked at the screen after the call. Sight after sight he got up and straightened his body after what felt like an hour. Now it was his turn to call. He knew he had to call right the next day. It was the unspoken rule.

But never had he thought the time would come again, let alone this soon. Happy he was! And numb for that matter. The alcohol kicking in made his legs wobble while walking back inside.

Wasting no time though he said good night to his friends, at least the ones he found and who weren't already off their heads, and struggled to get out of the bar.

The way back home was sure an adventure. He had to walk for at least one and a half hour since the buses were off this late at night. That meant keep your head up and don't hug any trees or traffic light poles. Keep your head up also so that you won't get dizzy and start a vomit fountain somewhere. Beware of stray dogs cause they might get "upset" if you bark back.

Sadly he did all of the above and found himself home beat to the pulp. What a birthday aye!

But Jaebum called him. He sure did. Youngjae was happy. Youngjae couldn't wait to talk tomorrow again. He felt blissfully content (props to the drinking too), a feeling he had long forgotten and a crooked smile crept across his face before he got lost into a deep slumber.

A bit fluff and "comedy". I don't know
but it was about time.

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